
Partly Magical - (Generic Species)

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What are lovabuns?

Lovabuns aka Loovanians are leporines that come in many different forms! Depending on where they were born, there are certain features and traditional ways of clothing that they keep. As such, lovabuns can be categorized into distinct subtypes. Lovabuns from certain origins are referred to as (type)-born, e.g. Sunborn. They may also refer to themselves as bunny, however. Sanctuary born are called Sanctarians.

Origins & Subtypes

Aesthetic: Sci-fi + modern clothing, bright colors + whites/blacks/greys. Tend to have very pale white or greyish skin, browns/warm tones are rare.
Advance, Power, Achievement, Brilliance, Fame, Loyalty, Luxury
Culture: Very much modern, run by a government, generally wealthy, there are little to no poor people, most residents live a rather sheltered life compared to the rest of the planet.
Status: At war with DUST and TIDE

Aesthetic: Modern steampunk clothing & armor, artificial limbs, Browns + silver/gold accents. Rarely pale, usually tan, greyish skin is fine as well.
Values: Resilience, Durability, Boldness, Devotion, Efficiency, Heroism, Unity
Culture: They follow their military leader as a general lead figure, dirt dust and poverty is common, many struggle throughout life, the hatred towards the SKY is prevalent. Use steam energy for important tasks, tend to own masks in order to survive the bad hours in the Dust Zone. Many have however left for other places.
Status: At war with SKY


Aesthetic: Sci-fi + underwater inspired clothing, greens/blues predominant ocean hues, pale or greyish skin, browns/warm tones are rare.
Dexterity, Intelligence, Precision, Professionalism, Rationality, Respect, Stealth
Culture: Rather in tune with their surroundings, they live in cities underwater, though they do breathe air there (it is not 'submerged', but within a dome). They have military ranking systems but are otherwise still led by the royal family.

Status: At war with SKY
Etc: They have gills and webbed paws/fingers. Their fur is more sleek and shiny. It is believed they were the first community of halfbloods developing in the past, though by now they are no longer considered as such.

Aesthetic: Scifi + modern clothing, related to the sky, either very light pastels/white or dark brown/black with star/moon markings. Representing the two sides of the moon.
Values: Wonder, Balance, Benevolence, Patience, Solitude
Culture: Not much is known on their ways and culture, other than that a deity considers them his 'closest children'.
Status: At peace / neutral, but often at odds with Sunborn
Etc: Recently, there has been a split faction of the Red Moon forming. These bunnies seem to favor Bloomborn fashion choices and view themselves as different from their regular moon brethren.

Aesthetic: Broad array of clothing, they like to mix their style with that of other types, but keep their sun symbols obvious. They tend to be less pale than their moon counterparts, with more saturation in colors overall. A big hint at a Sunborn is their use of golden accessories: They often carry at least one charm in the rough shape of the sun.
Values: Honor, Independence, Justice, Discipline, Compassion
Culture: Very military oriented, most of them grow up as fighters. They tend to be serious, strong personality types due to strict upbrining, but tirelessly believe in "good" (or what they view as that).
Status: At peace / neutral, but often at odds with Moonborn

Aesthetic: Flowey clothing with a thing for flowers and plentiful patterns, colorful, very pale to very dark skin, no grey tones however.
Values: Artistry, Beauty, Elegance, Harmony, Nature
Culture: Similar to TIDE, very in tune with nature, building around and with it. People of artistry without much interest in war or technology, though they do import the standard necessities.
Status: At peace / neutral, very friendly relations with TIDE
Etc: Some bloom bunnies are said to grow plants on their body.

Aesthetic: Ancient armors and tribal wear + can be mixed with modern clothes, no neon colors but natural ones, pale to dark skin with greyish tones accepted.
Values: Belonging, Craftiness, Courage, Fierceness, Community
Culture: Most communities prefer to stay within their own and are generally wary of outsiders. Some, while ancient, are still happy to participate in modern life while keeping traditions. Others are more tribal and ferocious still. They are generally very spiritual and focus a lot on old gods.
Status: At peace / neutral, though there may be rivalries between tribes

Aesthetic: Literally anything; this is a sanctuary where Lovabuns from all places come to. Sanctarians can thus be any of the above types or hybrids between different types.
Values: / as widely diverse as the people that come here
Culture: A colorful mix of all of the above.
Status: At peace / neutral / under Space Patrol protection


Commonly,  Lovabuns have the following features:
  • Long upright bunny ears
    • can have a bit of floof at base (anything else -> extra fluffy)
    • lop ears only via trait
    • no human ears
  • pawed bunny feet 
    • 3 or 4 toes, many Lovabuns have lost a toe during evolution for some strange reason
  • short bunny tail
    • can be as floofy as you want, but must stay a smol bunny tail
  • markings on their legs/body can be any color but not overly detailed unless it is a tattoo
  • smooth legs / very short fur (otherwise, needs extra fluffy trait)
  • human skin tones or grey hues
  • human eyes with a white sclera
    • colored sclera possible as a tattoo



Lovabun come in different subtypes. Click through the tabs below to learn more about them!

Moonborn ( Lovabun Subtype)

They are more carefree than their sunborn fellows, putting less importance on tradition and culture, although they do honor the moon and view the Sun as their opponents. Many take on colors of the moon in its various stages, including the infamous blood moon, which has been used as a namesake for a particularly notorious group originating here. Stars as the children of the moon are often used as accessories and worn in patterns or jewelry.

Sunborn ( Lovabun Subtype)

Sunborn are perhaps the most prideful of people, thinking they hailed from the sun herself, and honoring that idea to the end. They also view themselves as guardians of sorts to oppose their opposite, the Moon. Considering their smaller numbers, they have surprisingly high access to (magical transformers) - and they flaunt it. Dressing mostly in gold and with special accessories is just another part of showing their pride.

Bloomborn ( Lovabun Subtype)

Overall, the bloomborn have been and are peaceful. That is because they have no reason to engage in any feuds, as this would hurt their trade (which they lead in). At the same time, many individuals here are in tune with nature and just peaceful by nature. This shows in their way of dressing, with flowers and flowery patterns being the most common choices.

Skyborn ( Lovabun Subtype)

Skyborn are often spotted by their neon colored hair or markings, being rather unique in the world. This is not always good, considering their status in the world, and being technically at war with both Alderburgh and Levitheas. As a result, they stick to their own cities and allies for the most part. The military also plays a very important role, as well as their aicrafts, considering their position. Skyreach uses their (magical transformers) primarily for military purpose as well. They dress brightly but practically, black, white and neon colors predominant and never afraid to stand out if they are proud of their heritage.

Dustborn ( Lovabun Subtype)

Residents of Alderburgh are hardy folks. Many went through harsh times and prevailed, so if anyone believes in hard work and that strength can be benefitial to all, it is the dustborn. While they work together well enough in their capital, though, there are many rouges and criminals seeking safety and cover in the dust zone, and contributing to the difficult lifestyle. These shady groups are often on the hunt for (magical transformers), which grant them more power, and have become somewhat of a problem. In the rich districts of Alderburgh, the opposite is true. It is safe and those with money definitely live a comforable life - the high society of Alderburgh. Thus, styles of dress vary from rugged and practical to high class and expensive, with satin and tulle.

Tideborn ( Lovabun Subtype)

Much like the skyborn, tideborn are highly focused on military power - or perhaps it is because the sky has been their arch enemy for centuries. Serving as a soldier is as much an honor as being a fisher or sailor, however. Because other species aside ocean dwellers cannot live underwater, they are not very used to outsiders, especially if they never visited the surface. Predominantly, they dress simple, since the water would get clothes wet anyway. They do adorn the simpler swim pants with jewelry of the ocean, however, or clad themselves in armor if they are a warrior.

Relicborn ( Lovabun Subtype)

Relicborn do not care for the trivial banter between other nations. They are more focused on themselves and discovering the secrets still hidden within their realm and reach. Most of all, they are quite mysterious, and less prone to share their inentions or wishes.

Sanctarian ( Lovabun Subtype)

It is difficult to describe what the inhabitants of the Sanctuary are like, as they come from any place of the world. But what they all share is the desire to live in peace, be left alone, and accepted for who they are. As such, they will not take kindly to those trying to stir trouble.


These traits can be on top of any base MYO to create even more fun designs! Traits may be locked to a species, a subtype or they may work on any character.
Lop Ears

Lop Ears (Uncommon) Masterlist Examples

Category: Ear
Species: Lovabun
Element: Neutral
Granted By: Uncommon Whisp
Season: All year

Some bunnies just have those cute lop ears!


Jackalope (Extraordinary) Masterlist Examples

Category: Head
Species: Lovabun
Element: Neutral
Season: All year

Some Lovabuns grow horns, although no one really knows why...


Floral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Plant
Granted By: Soul Bloom
Season: Spring

Plant like growths on their bodies and a very in depth relationship with nature, these beings are quite the sight. This can range from sprouting flowers to having whole limbs made off of wood or plant matter. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. There may also be floating flowers or petals around them. 

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

On Fire

On Fire (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Flame
Granted By: Lava Pepper
Season: Summer
Fire/Lava like flames being summoned around their body. Better be cautious around these folks! This can range from candle like flames around them to entire limbs cloaked in flame. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating wisps of fire. Smoke is not covered by this trait, only flames. These Flames may glow like real fire.
NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 

Thunderstruck (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Spark
Granted By: Steel Rods
Season: Autumn
Sparks/Lightning around the individual. Shocking!  It only gathers around the body / can be discharged from the body.
NOTE: This trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!
Smoke Cloaked

Smoke Cloaked (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Flame
Granted By: Smoke Elixir
Season: Summer
Smoke, gas or mist gathering around the individual. These individuals often wear a mask that filter the potentially harmful bits of their smoke. The smoke should be wispy in form and may be semi-translucent.
NOTE: This trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

Goopy (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Venom
Granted By: Blood Pudding
Season: Autumn

Some of the features of these individuals began to melt, or to turn into a type of wax or goo. Affected features may be deformed/have a pattern. It can affect parts such as horns & the body itself. This trait is not painful to the affected.

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Mechanical (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Spark
Granted By: Mechanical Limb
Season: Autumn

Mechanical limbs and addons or decorations of all kinds, crafted and built by professionals for those who are more prone to science than magic. These can be made from any  type of metal, with functioning joints. They cannot be translucent. These parts may also be disconnected or partly floating thanks to technology. The features of each species must be retained.

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

IMPORTANT: You don't need this trait to create prosthetics for your character. Mechanical only refers to highly sought after and technologically advanced robotic limbs that integrate with the body in a way that there is no notable difference between it and a regular limb, think fullmetal alchemist!



Zombiefied (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Dark
Granted By: Potion of Eternity
Season: Winter
These individuals look like death incarnate. From their scarred, tinted skin to raw chunks of flesh, or with visible bones... Do you want you want your character to look like the walking dead? The individual cannot be a full on skeleton, rather, their flesh should be affected and some limbs may be replaced with bones! Other forms of decay may present depending on where the character lives: For aquatic beings, barnacles or dead coral (muted in color) may stick to them. For those on land, critters may wander around the decayed parts.
NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

Spectral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Light
Granted By: Ominous Chest
Season: Winter

Some parts of these creatures seem to be dissolving into a ghostly, spectral mass. The body part must visibly turn into spectral matter/fizzle out. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating. Spectral whisps may also float around the character. 

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Translucent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Venom
Granted By: Potion of Clarity
Season: Autumn

Part of these individuals body have mysteriously turned translucent. This allows for any sort of  translucent limbs, which may have visible bones or simply appear empty. Gore/Organs are not allowed!

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Crystallized (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Earth
Granted By: Crystal Tonic
Season: Autumn

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed crystallized features. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, or a whole limb. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It may also cause an icy / snowflake aura (as those are ice crystals) around the character, or just floating earthen crystals.

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Plushified (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Dark
Season: Winter

Parts of these beings have turned into plush. How curious. This allows for the addition of plush patches, stitches or plush limbs made of fabric to a character. It also allows for yarn in place of strands of hair!

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Bioluminiscent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Plant
Granted By: Glow Vine
Season: Spring

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed glowing, bioluminicent body parts or markings. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, markings or scales.

NOTE: This trait only cannot fully replace a limb with different glowing material.

IMPORTANT: This trait is not needed for species that naturally glow such as Arma Caeli. You may add glow to things that naturally glow without needing this trait.


Earthen (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Earth
Granted By: The Shatterer
Season: Autumn

These creatures have body parts made out of stone, clay or earth. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It can also simply cause floating stones or pieces around the character. 

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Watery (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Aqua
Granted By: Ocean Flute
Season: Summer

Water magic seems to affect bits of these characters body, turning them liquid. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating ripples of water. There may also be bubbles floating around the character.

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 

Coral Growth

Coral Growth (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Aqua
Granted By: Coral Starter Kit
Season: Summer

Some beings have, wether on purpose or just because it happened, colorful coral growing on them!

NOTE: This trait allows coral to grow on the body of a character, but does not turn whole limbs into coral.


Sparkling (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Light
Granted By: Sparkle Powder
Season: Winter

These individuals shine so bright that they emanate sparkles or stars that surround them like an aura. The sparkles can be any shape or color.

NOTE: This trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

IMPORTANT: You are free to add sparkle/shine to any artwork as a stylistical feature, this only concerns a very extreme sparkle effect that would be noticable in their world, and has taken on an almsot tangible form (similar to snowflakes floating).


Fungal (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Plant
Season: Spring

Mushrooms have formed on the body of these creatures, either turning their limb into mushroom like material or sprouting mushrooms. This can cover any type of mushroom, and you may also add a bit of wood if they are reliant on growing on such. 

NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Dollicate (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Earth
Granted By: Porcelain Limb
Season: Autumn
Parts of their body have been turned into a doll, joints and all! These doll parts can be made of different material, from resin to wood to porcelaine, as long as the parts are properly jointed! Parts may also be artistically painted.
NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

Edible (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Flame
Granted By: Fiery Neon Cake
Season: Summer
Parts of their body turns into an processed edible material. It can be sweet like cake or candy, but may also be savory like soups or other dishes. They may also have decorations you may see on these dishes such as chocolate sprinkles, spices or sliced fruits/vegetables (although they do not grow the fruit like floral would!).
NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

Cloudy (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Wind
Granted By: Cloudcall Elixir
Season: Spring
Clouds may sometimes gathering around the individual, following them around wherever they go. Sometimes, the clouds even affect limbs. They must be distinctly cloud shaped, think cartoon clouds.
NOTE: This trait can turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).
Divine Halo

Divine Halo (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Light
Granted By: Divine Candle
Season: Winter

Some divine beings can manifest a visible halo, floating behind or above their heads - and it is a sight to behold. This halo can be manifested at will.

IMPORTANT: Arma Caeli's halo of vis is not considered a divine halo, it is part of their being.

Feathered Wings

Feathered Wings (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Wind
Granted By: Remedy of Heaven
Season: Spring
Those attuned to the winds may grow feathery wings at any location on their body.
NOTE: This trait is limited at up to 3 sets of wings. If a species has wings already, these wings have to exist in addition to that and cannot replace them.
Fae Wings

Fae Wings (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Wind
Granted By: Fae Flower
Season: Spring
If you find the fae in you, you may be blessed with their wings. These can take the shape of butterlfy or bug wings in general, although some shapes are free and wild!
NOTE: This trait is limited at up to 3 sets of wings. If a species has wings already, these wings have to exist in addition to that and cannot replace them.

Tentacular (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Venom
Season: Autumn
Dabbling into too many suspicous dishes and potions may have you end up with some...slithery extra limbs. Some beings grow tentacles on their body. They can be smooth, slimy and may have suckers.
NOTE: This trait is limited at up to 8 tentacles. If a species has tentacles already, these have to exist in addition to that and cannot replace them.
Leathery Wings

Leathery Wings (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Dark
Granted By: Remedy of Hell
Season: Winter
Those attuned to the dark may grow leathery, demon like wings at any location on their body.
NOTE: This trait is limited at up to 3 sets of wings. If a species has wings already, these wings have to exist in addition to that and cannot replace them.

Aquatic (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Aqua
Granted By: Potion of the Deep
Season: Summer
Some whisper that those who spend too much time near the sea will grow gills, scales or even fins! These fins can be placed anywhere and may also appear as fin-like wings.

Gravitational (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Spark
Granted By: Gravitational Core
Season: Autumn
A very out there body mod leaves some people with detachable limbs. This can affect the head, arms, legs, tails or wings. These limbs are still attached to the body by a string of spark magic, and this causes no pain.
NOTE: This trait should not be showing any hard gore.


Some species are capable of transforming and shifting between different forms.

Get your own Lovabun!

These items will allow you to create your own Lovabun.
<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items?name=Lively Bunny Plushie" class="display-item">  <i class="fas fa-magic mr-1"></i>Lively Bunny Plushie</a>

Category: MYO

Uses: Lovabun MYO

A cute bunny plushie that fell into a rift of the reflection, and that looks strangely...life like now?

This item, upon usage, will grant you a Lovabun MYO slot for any subtype,  with all common traits!

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