For those who were around for Realms Away's first anniversary!

Has reached the stage of ascension with a lopilu!

For those who collected all autumn related nature items!

Owns a certain amount of Beastlings and wishes to show it. Who doesn't love the fluffy critters?!

For those who completed their first hund and earned their Blood Pendant, gaining a deeper understanding of the Vesperus ways.

For those who conquered the dark.

For those who found their light.

For those who conquered plant powers.

For those who conquered the winds.

Owns a certain amount of Vesperus and wishes to show it. Careful, they might have developed a taste for blood...

For those who successfully crafted a Gem of Origin and gained a deeper understanding of the Felespio ways.

Owns a certain amount of Dawnblood Arma Caeli and wishes to show it. May you find peace in the silent night.

Owns a certain amount of Dayblood Arma Caeli and wishes to show it. May you find peace in the silent night.

Owns a certain amount of Felespio and wishes to show it. May the soul of the desert forever rest within you.

For those who helped save christmas from the Arma Caeli takeover in 2023!

Owns a certain amount of Duskblood Arma Caeli and wishes to show it. May you find peace in the silent night.

For those who successfully raised a Fountain Bloom and gained a deeper understanding of the Lopilu ways.

Owns a certain amount of Lopilu and wishes to show it. May your magical manes be well kept!

Owns a certain amount of Arma Caeli and wishes to show it. The reflection bends to your will. Use your powers wisely.

For those who fought their way through the reflection, learning about the Arma Caeli.

39 awards found.