event Spring Treasures

Posted 1 week 10 hours ago :: Last edited 1 week 10 hours ago by Cylunny


Spring Treasures

Duration:  March 1st - June 1st, Realm: ALL

Spring brings a breath of fresh air!


Earn plant Plant Essence and windWind Essence essences by completing the newly released Seasonal Spring prompts! 

You may also want to visit the new daily, Blessing of Spring, for free spring essences each day during this event.

Elemental Traits

This season comes with elemental traits that work on any species: (Note: there have been some trait availability changes with V3!) You can obtain them from Spring Treasures.


Spring Companions

In addition to spring companions being sold at the spring shop, a new spring companion and some new forms have been added for our critters!


Previous Spring Backgrounds are available again! Visit Tranquil Travels Agency  and check out some of the seasonal backgrounds you can buy only during spring!

Spring theme 

Of course we also have this season's theme up for grabs again! Get it while it's still there from Evecubes!

Spring Adventure

The blossom path is open to you, collect all flowers while you can!

Spring Elemental prompts & Awards added

Completing elemental prompts grants you cool awards but also the recipes to craft elemental traits of these types! (Some may still be fixed throughout spring).
No hurry though, these prompts stay forever!

event Mysterious Orbs

Posted 1 week 11 hours ago :: Last edited 1 week 11 hours ago by Cylunny


The mystery of lost orbs

Duration:  March 1st - April 1st, Realm: Varelia

Upon exploring, more and more adventurers have happend upon mysterious, semi-translucent orbs in the wicked woods. Lacking in color, they are neither glass nor gemstone, and it is presently unclear what exactly they are - but they seem to be something magical. To figure this mystery out, the Adventurer's Guild has called for searches to bring back more of these orbs for examination. Additionally, they seems to resonate with different nature items, so collecting those is also going to be part of the study. Will you help them?

This is the first part of an event all about strange orbs! In order to take part, you must either find a Lost Orb in the wicked woods, or complete an event prompt that grants you one! Then, you may want to check out the new Natural Mystery collection which contains some fauna and flora that the orb seems to react to. It will unlock a way to enrichen your Lost orb and upgrade it to a Humming orb - an item that will be expanded on in the second part of the event. Can you make it?


Monthly Prompt

Monthly Prompt
Earn your easy extra  80Coin !

news Happy Valentines 2025!

Posted 3 weeks 1 day ago :: Last edited 1 week 14 hours ago by Cylunny

Amor has a present for you!

Valentines day is for everyone, so even if you have no one to spend it with, Amor has your back! You can collect his present, which will reward you with a choice of one out of two new valentine exclusive companions! If one isn't enough, you may also complete a prompt to show someone in the community some love and earn an additional companion.


Additionally, two new regular companions have shown up that both have a very lovely variant too...You can get them at the Companion Gardens as usual!

Upcoming Beastling Adoptables

Later today, we will also be holding a sale for four Beastlings based on the valentine themed companions/variants released above! Stay tuned for those cuties c:


And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

news V3 Relaunch Event!

Posted 1 month 3 days ago :: Last edited 1 week 14 hours ago by Cylunny

Welcome to Realms Away V3!

To celebrate a mostly successful re-launch (so far), we are having a little advertising/MYO event on Toyhou.se! Most of you have probably claimed these already, but for everyone who is knew from that post - Hi, hello, welcome to Realms Away! We hope you give us a chance & here is where to grab your freebies:

Additionally, you can earn a free seasonal trait - including not yet released ones due to the season not being around yet!


Upcoming Beastling Adoptables

I prepared two adoptable batches for this event!

  • Life & Death - Flower themed Lupicus and Felespio (new subtypes!) with humanoid and mini form. They will be 100USD each, and posted tomorrow (6th of February).
  • Followers of Life & Death - same theme as the above, but only four mini forms, two of each subtype! They will be 30USD each, posted sometime after the former.

Free Beastling Raffle

Just a reminder and for all the new people, there is a free Lopilu raffle going on right now! You can simply join by clicking the join button.


And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

news The Rift Collapse

Posted 2 months 6 days ago :: Last edited 1 month 6 days ago by Cylunny

The Rift Collapse 

After fighting off the Arma Caeli for a second time and bracing many unstable rifts, the dust finally settles. People find themselves in a world they know, yet it isn't quite the same. The Veil has fallen, covering each realm with blissful ignorance. Or does it? Most people seem to be going on with their regular lives as if nothing had happened at all. No rifts, no adventures across realms. Even faced with those from other realms, they seem unaffected - incapable of seeing their true nature. Yet, there are others who can feel there was once more, that know something is off, but cannot quite put their finger on it. And then, there is the smallest group of them all - those who appear unaffected by the Veil, gazing straight through it. To them, the changes are probably the hardest. Will those they care for remember? Will they ever see each other again, their true selves?

Amongst the superficial peace, the Adventurer's Guild has been building a base in Antiqua, Varelia, hoping to help adventurers that need guidance - while also trying to gather as many of them as they can in order to stay prepared, even experimenting with ways to bypass the Veil. On the other side, there are those who oppose this idea - siding with the Arma Caeli, declaring that continuing to use the Reflection cannot lead to anything good. All of this has even gotten the more isolated Beastlings, Lupicus and Felespio, to take matters into their hands again.

One thing is for sure: just because you can no longer see something, and the rifts have been all but gone for the most part, does not mean they no longer exist. Or that all danger is gone. Many Veil Breakers agree: The connections between realms and all realms themselves must still be protected.


And we are back!

It was a wild month of a lot of work but I can somewhat confidently say that I got a lot done! It was definitely not easy and I don't wish to repeat this anytime soon, but I am very happy with the result and I hope you all will have fun with it as well c: 

Here is a list of the general changes that have been made (which I wrote as I worked throughout the january):

  • The Veil: With the focus on main species and hubs, side content and species can be hidden or shown via the Veil. This can be done at any time in your settings. Stuff related to side conent will have a magical wand beside it. This goes for: the masterlist, news, galleries, sales and ideally any place. To view items related to side species you will need to turn your veil setting on in your settings!
  • Characters: It'd be a good idea to check your characters for trait/subtype correctness. Especially opened MYO slots! I feel like there may have been some accidental trait loss here...namely, holy/unholy halo on opened slots. (I had an oversight because I forgot slots are internally treated the same as characters...I am sorry about that.) Lopilu should have been merged into Beastling of subtype Lopilu. You can still set their Home location to their hub!
  • Multicolor Orbs: Main species have been removed from them. If you had an original Multicolor orb (not obtained via V2 discontinue), you may send in a claim to exchange it for any of the main species MYOs that was available at the time (Lopilu, Vulpel, Vesperus, Arma Caeli)
  • Elemental Essences: A new currency, one for each of the 9 elements you already know from companions. Your new currency for getting elemental traits (ex. seasonal). Some elements are more common in certain seasons. Winter=Light and Dark Spring = Plant and Wind, Summer = Fire and Water, Autumn = Spark, Venom and Earth. The price point of 40/trait stays, but ways to obtain them will be slightly new and possible outside of their "main" season.
  • Seasonal currency: Please check your inventory! Per 10 seasonal currency you should have received one choice bag of that season that grants 10 elemental essence. You may have 1-9 seasonal currency leftover. You can exchange this for essence of your choice matching the season by submitting a claim. You have 1 month to do so, then the remaining seasonal currency will be deleted. Please ignore the -0 currency logs, they are just an oversight of mine but have not actually changed your balance.
  • Side species traits: Have been exchanged into a generic trait item of the same rarity. The usage should be the same, attach it then pick the trait you want. The generic uncommon wisp should allow any uncommon side species trait for example.
  • Potion of Floof / Extra fluffy: Discontinued. I felt like limiting floof on Beastlings and other species is a bit stupid. Those who owned Potion of Floof will get a seasonal surprise gift instead. If you have a already approved character that had floof, you can also send in a claim for another seasonal surprise gift within 1 month of this post.
  • Holy/Unholy Halo: Discontinued due to a new elemental trait. All characters that used to have this trait now have new "Divine Halo". The trait representation is the same.
  • Other Ex. Seasonal traits: May change in which month they appear based on their element. Some item art changes. Should otherwise remain functionally the same.
  • New elemental traits: Will be officially introduced later, but don't be surprised some characters already have them due to the below. They replace seasonal traits, and add to them. Can be purchased with the new elemental essences currencies. All traits have also gotten new art.
  • Elemental trait item changes: Some item art changes, but most importantly, added flavour text for the items and where they were originally made!
  • Glitches: Removed glitches, but added the traits the glitch gave your characters as a proper elemental trait instead. Reflection Slivers have been discontinued and you may now sell them from your inventory for 25 coin each!
  • Crossbreeds: No changes yet, but please let me know if you are ok with your crossbreeds also receiving the glitch treatment. If you don't they remain as is. New crossbreeds cannot be made, although you will still be able to pair different species (the offspring will be one of the parents species) once I manage to get around to the code.
  • Transformations: New and merged transformations for Beastlings! Humanoid Beastlings now have human noses, You do not have to update your old art but new ML art will expect this. Walkers have anthro noses/snouts. All tiny ferals are mini form, all big ferals are ride form. Arma caeli received the Arma form for their armoured appearance, and a optional unclad form if you want to show them off without it.
  • Site Themes: Beside the layout receiving a slight update, you can now pick more main colors from the settings aside the normal dark mode/light mode! Try it out!
  • MYO Crafting: The to Varelia prompt was removed, as MYO crafting was updated. Please refer to the new guide. Idk what happens if you try to claim a recipe twice but we will see xD
  • Base items: They have been removed for now, because I was majorly unhappy with these old bases. I want to make something new, but it may take a while. You may keep using the bases if you really want to.
  • Nature Items: New items that you can collect on adventures to complete a one-time collection, or to sell for profit from your inventory. Some grant elemental essences!
  • Adventures: Getting an update to distribute the new nature items! The character's you meet were also adjusted to both be on theme and lower workload. More adventures are available than before, including 4 seasonal ones an the reflection which you must unlock via prompt first.
  • Collections: these have been updated so you can earn awards by collecting items related to a specific species or subtype from the adventures! We also have some seasonal collections to complete for awards and essences.
  • Awards: Some new awards for specific Beastling/Arma Caeli subtypes have been added! A lot of new awards...
  • Shops: We have new shops which are now seperated by the type of item they sell, not the type of shop it is for easier entry and access (hopefully). New shop keepers too!
  • Dailies: mostly the same just a new paint job!
  • Masterlist: Search is hidden completely unless you want to search. Sublists can now be filtered by transformation easily if you want to see for example all the mini beastling vs all the humanoid ones! It will show the thumbnail of that form, not the "main" one.
  • Elemental trait cultivation: Cultivation items will no longer be directly buyable, rather, you craft them! Complete elemental prompts to get the recipes, then you can buy ingredients from the craft store! The rest of the process for cultivating them stays the same. There is a new guide for this as well.
  • Elemental Prompts/Awards: these will let you unlock the recipes to craft elemental cultivation items, needed for the above! These prompts will release from now on during the season of their element. Right now, we have light and dark out for winter. They are once per user, and will be available at any time.
  • Guide and Lore pages are hopefully updated (aside pairings which will still need an update and some code changes, time ran too tight)
  • Location page is updated with proper lore AND we have a clickable map of Varelia now! 

Things I still need to get done:

  • Pairing is getting some updates but I was running out of time. They have been disabled for now but I will work on them as soon as I can to get the updates in!
  • Professions for the non Lopilu Beastlings will be added ideally with an event in future. 

Free Species Changes 

For those of you who would like to pull some of their existing OCs into the main realm, we will be offering 3 free species change items. You will have all january to claim these items. Just send in a claim & add 1-3 "Strong matter modifier" to it.

Free re-launch / starter gift

There was a tiny change in the new player experience. Instead of somehow figuring out a convoluted way to allow only new players to claim it, any of you can! See it as a thank you for your patience and support. You can claim the Adventuring Starting Kit at the Adventurer's Guild. It contains a choice of a Beastling MYO, 80 coins and a random regular Beastling trait item.

New Lopilu Raffle

A new raffle lasting for a month is also up! Someone give this cute lil Lop a home! 

Due to there being many changes, it is likely that I missed something. If you notice something that looks off or missing, please let us know! It is very likely that it was not intentional. There will be a little relaunch/advertise event likely around a week after this just so we can get the worst bugs solved first!

Thanks again for reading! I'm counting on you to find the last remaining bugs and hiccups o7

- Cyl


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