Mini Masterlist Examples
Humanoid Masterlist Examples
When a beastling wants to feel closer to humanity, they can attain the ability to shift into a form even closer to that of humans. This transformation is complex, and especially popular with the very open Lopilu subtype - perhaps due to the ease of use in other realms. Humanoid beastling have human noses.
NOTE: some older beastling art may depict humanoids with a little animal nose, this was before RA V3 and is no longer valid for new designs.
Walker Masterlist Examples
All Beastlings have the ability to shift into an anthro form., which is commonly referred to as the Walker form (perhaps due to Beastling observing humanoids walking around their area in the past.) This is most often done for practical reasons and has become more popular with human travellers getting deeper into Beastling territory. Some prefer it over the humanoid form as it keeps the bigger snouts and animalistic facial features and fur in favor of bare skin, giving a more menacing/threatening look - although some Beastling's fur color may suggest that they do have patches of skin showing (mostly around their chest/stomach). For this reason, it also is easier to learn than a full humanoid transformation.
Ride Masterlist Examples
All beastlings can turn into forms that are big enough for a partner to hop on and ride. It is a useful but quite old fashioned and severely mistreated transformation that often is abused by Stydians. Not every beastling chooses to even learn this transformation.
Ascended Masterlist Examples
Currently, only Lopilu have mastered Ascension!
The ascended form of a Lopilu, said to be a technique lost with time. Recently, the founder of Nightglade, Janus, has made an effort to return this knowledge to the general Lopilu public through his diciples, Night and Light. Those who manage to ascend unlock the ability to enter ascended mode at will, which boosts their ability to efficiently wield magic, enhancing their combat skills. It takes a toll on the body, however, so it is not recommended to stay in this form for long periods of time.
While in ascended form, Lopilu gain some new visual features! They sprout wings resembling their ears from their lower back/upper butt, which improves their ability to sense and use magic. They can have 1-3 pairs of such wings, and they can be really small and look exactly like their ears, or take on more elaborate forms. These wings must correspond to their ear shape: A lopilu with curled ears will also have curled wings. Additionally, the wings must have a clearly seperated base and wing area. The base is made of the same material as their outer ears (fur), and then the biggest part of the wings resembles their inner ear and has a similar, leathery feel to it. Optionally, their magic may manifest as glowing streaks/patterns around them and their ears!
Arma Masterlist Examples
The main, armoured form of an Arma Caeli, including their back and body armor. They are rarely seen without this armor, but may decide to drop it if they want to.
Alter Masterlist Examples
A mysterious form granted by the artefact power of a companion. It uses the elemental powers of the companion. This form allows for easy travel through the reflection, and is not permanent. Generally, it is the form your character will appear as within the reflection. If they are very skilled and have a very deep bond with the companion, they may pull this off in another realm for a limited amount of time.
Desig of an alter
- In a vague sense, this is a fusion of your character and their closest companion!
- It can include some design elements of the companion, but it always has to reflect their elemental type (eg. fire/plant)
- An alter does not seem to follow the rules of any realm- as such, you can add pretty much anything to your character!
- Beware, however, that this does not affect the traits of your character's normal appearance, and cannot be used as a free for all card!
Alt Outfit Masterlist Examples
If your character is fashionable, you may want to have more than one outfit reference on the masterlist...This transformation is a fashionable one!
Unclad Masterlist Examples
An Arma Caeli as they appear without their precious armor. Not many dare to show themselves like this (or wearing regular clothes).