While Varelia is the main realm that this ARPG focusses on, there are many optional side realms you can also interact with and make characters for, if you chose to. All of those realms are linked via a central connection point, a dimension referred to as the Reflection! 


The Reflection


The Reflection exists since before the realms themselves. It is most often defined as another dimension, visible to few, and accessible to even fewer. It seems to connect different realms, yet this is not common knowledge - and most live oblivious to this fact. Some have perhaps felt some disturbances or seen strange events unfold, but without making the connection.
Rifts are a phenomenon some have witnessed, and may occur in any realm, cuts into reality and portals into the reflection. Through them, unsuspecting victims have been pulled into other worlds - or even got stuck in the reflection, facing a horrifying fate. Within the reflection, and without proper protection, a being may take on different forms, sometimes warping to a point of being unrecognizeable. As such it is not recommended to jump into any opening rifts one may come across without preparation. Thus, adventurers prepare thoroughly before ever getting close to a these portals.
Aside naturally occurring rifts, there are those who have the ability to jump between the realms at will, being capable of opening small rifts themselves. However, the ability to create small rifts seems to be bound to certain mysterious artefact powers held by companions. Those rare few who bond with such a special companion and attain an alter transformation are rare, but they exist. The alter grants protection to the reflection's effects, but it will need a lot of practice and patience to master all of its powers, and cannot be used in any other realm.

There is a species native to the Reflection: The Arma Caeli. They are the only ones capable of opening and closing rifts at will, and have been known to conquer other realms for sport. To any realm, they pose a nearly world ending threat should they decide to bring one to an end. Their motivations are mostly unknown, but it seems that they are acting in a way to keep the Reflection stable and intact - perhaps due to reasons only they can see.

The Rift Collapse


Once, realm travel and adventuring was a growing and booming profession, led by many species. It stopped being rare, turning into more of an attraction than a dangerous expedition. This triggered a reaction in the reflection that no one noticed until it was nearly too late: rifts became unstable and began acting weird. Many brave adventurers were trying to help stabilize them and save people, as well as research the cause. It led to the appearance of void companions across realms, took many lives, and was doomed to turn into a disaster. No one understood the core issue - except the Arma Caeli. 

They claimed that the reason for the instability is all the adventurers and realm travellers who have been bringing matter that does not belong into the reflection. Who have been blurring the lines of different realities - despite it not being intended to be this way. As their solution, the Arma Caeli have decided to deploy the "Veil". A spell of enormous proportions that was cast on every realm that knew of the reflection. It is very much a veil over someones mind that warps reality. Those affected by it forgot about the reflection's existence, and they are unable to see creatures and objects from other realms - seeing them instead as their own kind.

However, there are those who the veil seems to have no effect on. Those who resisted, or had too strong a will to let the spell affect them. There are also some who managed to break the spell later on, which is difficult but doable with the help of someone who already sees through the veil. These individuals retain all memory and (if unlocked) the ability to travel between realms.

Overall, even with those rare stragglers, the Arma Caeli succeeded in what they wanted: the rifts are slowly stabilizing again with way less travellers entering the reflection. As such, the adventurer's guild and similar groups across realms have decided there must be stricter regulations for realm travel to keep their realms safe. The adventuzrer's guild was decided to become a base for their operations located in Varelia, Antiqua.

NOTE: for you as the user, there is a "See through the veil" toggle in the settings that will let you decide if you want to see side realms and species or not.


Magic, Vis, Elements


Generally, different realms have different magical potential and types of magic they use. The higher that potential, the more likely it is for rifts between realms to form, and also for creatures in that world to force them open. Magic on this site describes the fantastical sort of magic, a force that some beings can use naturally or via conductors for many different applications. Other abilities such as shapeshifting or super strength, as seen in some species, is not usually considered magic. 
In Varelia, magic can be neutral or attuned to one of nine elements: Plant, Aqua, Light, Wind, Earth, Flame, Dark, Spark and Venom. Those who choose to attune to a specific element present features that are related to it, presenting in elemental traits. 
Arma Caeli use a predecessor to magic, the vis, or void magic. It is their life force, and generally considered more powerful than the second stage magic occuring in other realms. Vis cannot be channelled by any species other than Arma Caeli.