Spring Treasures
Duration: March 1st - June 1st, Realm: ALL
Spring brings a breath of fresh air!
Earn plant and wind
essences by completing the newly released Seasonal Spring prompts!
You may also want to visit the new daily, Blessing of Spring, for free spring essences each day during this event.
Elemental Traits
This season comes with elemental traits that work on any species: (Note: there have been some trait availability changes with V3!) You can obtain them from Spring Treasures.
Spring Companions
In addition to spring companions being sold at the spring shop, a new spring companion and some new forms have been added for our critters!
Previous Spring Backgrounds are available again! Visit Tranquil Travels Agency and check out some of the seasonal backgrounds you can buy only during spring!
Spring theme
Of course we also have this season's theme up for grabs again! Get it while it's still there from Evecubes!
Spring Adventure
The blossom path is open to you, collect all flowers while you can!
Spring Elemental prompts & Awards added
Completing elemental prompts grants you cool awards but also the recipes to craft elemental traits of these types! (Some may still be fixed throughout spring).
No hurry though, these prompts stay forever!