These species inhabit the main realm that most events focus on.


Beastling Masterlist Examples

Subtypes: Vulpel, Vesperus, Lopilu, Lupicus, Felespio

In Varelia, many beings have made their home, and most of them are Beastlings. These shapeshifting magical creatures may appear harmless at first glance - but many a traveller has underestimated them to meet a gruesome end. While their mini form is small and agile, Beastlings are capable of shifting into humanoid or bigger, anthro forms that can easily tower over a human. They do not hesitate to use this state to keep opponents at bay. 

Arma Caeli

Arma Caeli Masterlist Examples

Subtypes: Nightblood, Duskblood, Dayblood, Dawnblood

The Arma Caeli are a race of mostly warriors living high up in the sky. They are the original inhabitants of the reflection. The Arma Caeli have since eons prided themselves on conquering newer realms and are feared as a result. Their name more acurately describes the special armor they wear and honor, so much so that they use it to refer to their species itself. These beings primarily rely on a power called Vis that they are all born with - it is magic in its purest form. Vis is akin to an electric current running through their bodies, one they can shape and bend to their will as they get older. Vis is also the force that allows them to wear their armor directly on their skin, to fly, and to command their weapons. It seems to protect them naturally while inside the reflection. It is highly rare to ever meet a warrior Arma Caeli without their precious armor, and if it happens, it is a sign of great trust.


Human Masterlist Examples

Humans. They seem to exist across realms, but the main ones within Varelia are called Stydians.