
Non Magical - (Generic Species)

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What are humans?

Humans are humans as we all know them. They seem to be spread far across realms for some reason, which may have something to do with their rather simple physiology compared to other humanoid species. Their subtypes correspond directly to the realm they are from.



Commonly, humans have the following features:

  • a normal human body without any other features

While the regular humans are completely free to make at any time, it is also possible to attach traits to a human if you wish! This is to keep a balance in the human population and to make sure not every human turns into a mutant/cyborg/etc. 



Stydian (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

The humans that reside in the lopilands. Highly technologically advanced, yet inherently devoid of magic - thus, they must steal magic from the Lopilu if they wish to use it. There are regular Stydians that essentially look like normal humans, as well as Pureblood Stydians who are said to come from an old bloodline. These often end up in high ranking positions by default. They may shift into their 'true' form with 4 arms.

Ludar (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

The humans of Loova are commonly referred to as Ludar. They tend to stick to the major cities rather than move into the lovabun's domains, and are actually rarer than the bunny people themselves!

Telron (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

In Candoris, humans are referred to as Telron. They make up about the same parts of the population as Gleamstic. They are known to live on equal footing with their fellow species, and commonly engage in relationships with them. Of course, some tensions always remain.

Hemanus (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

Velarune has their own type of humans as well - the Hemanus. In this realm, they were seen as the inferior species for a long time, until the hemanus caught up in technology and grew strong enough to oppose the equos. The two species tend to be wary of one another. hemanus are also often called two-legs or the likes.

Satria (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

Ihrutia born humans are mostly referred to as Satria. They are often at odds with faun, some going as far as hunting them- or, more recently, using them for dark magical rituals. Some Satria enjoy a Faun's company for their beauty and may pay them handsomely for taking a job at their estate or company, mostly within the Steam cities. That is to say, not all humans are the same, and there is a growing minority that sees faun as just another type of person to coexist with.

Karik (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

Humans of Arkusterra. Their name is said to have been given to them by the oldest of dragons, although most humans would disagree on that story - except for those who reside in the rare secret dragon villages, easily identifiable by their colorful hair. Karik have formed various strongholds, castles and villages around the realm, with walls strong enough to keep out the worst of the beasts. Some do trade with them, however - or use them as stock. 

Maerias (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

Most  humans in Neo-Maera are either flocking to the main contintent, or have settled on one of the many swimming cities built over centuries. It's no wonder a big part of them is taking up the job of a seafarer or pirate, with how much water there is - even if it may be less safe than the lands.

Lorian (Human subtype)

Masterlist Examples

The humans originating from Gaianu, caught in a struggle between Eden and Underworld. Some are angel worshippers, some demon summoners, and others just wish to be left alone. If they live in a big city, their life may be as modern as current times - electricity, phones, computers, you name it. However, outside of these influential cities, their world is mostly in ruins- the state of little villages regressed to a more simple life due to the ongoing otherwordly conflict. Some lorians have made it their job to take down demons, while others side with them for questionable benefits.



Fluffy (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Floof

Season: Winter

Individuals that inhabit cold climates may grow thicker and longer fur to keep warm. This fur may grow in areas that a species usually does not grow fur in, or just heavily amplify existing fur. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

NOTE: If a species naturally has some longer tufts of fur in an area, such as near the hooves of faun or equos, the fluffy trait is not needed.


Floral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Soul Bloom

Season: Spring

Plant like growths on their bodies and a very in depth relationship with nature, these beings are quite the sight. This can range from sprouting flowers to having whole limbs made off of wood or plant matter. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. There may also be floating flowers or petals around them.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

On Fire

On Fire (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Lava Pepper
Season: Summer

Fire/Lava like flames being summoned around their body. Better be cautious around these folks! This can range from candle like flames around them to entire limbs cloaked in flame. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating wisps of fire. Smoke is not covered by this trait, only flames. These Flames may glow like real fire.
Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 

Thunderstruck (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Steel Rods
Season: Summer

Sparks/Lightning around the individual. Shocking!  It only gathers around the body / can be discharged from the body.
An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!
Smoke Cloaked

Smoke Cloaked (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: TBE
Season: Winter

Smoke, gas or mist gathering around the individual. These individuals often wear a mask that filter the potentially harmful bits of their smoke. The smoke can be cloud-like or wispy in form and may be semi-translucent.
An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

Melting (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Enchanted Candle

Season: Summer

The heat caused some of the features of these individuals to melt, or to turn into a type of wax or goo. Affected features may be deformed/have a pattern. It can affect parts such as horns & the body itself. This trait is not painful to the affected.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Mechanical (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Mechanical Limb

Season: Autumn

Mechanical limbs and addons of all kinds, for those who are more prone to science than magic. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to technology. The features of each species must be retained. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

NOTE: You don't need this trait to create prosthetics for your character. Mechanical only refers to highly sought after and technologically advanced robotic limbs that integrate with the body in a way that there is no notable difference between it and a regular limb, think fullmetal alchemist!



Zombiefied (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Eternity
Season: Autumn

These individuals look like death incarnate. From their scarred, tinted skin to raw chunks of flesh, or with visible bones... Do you want you want your character to look like the walking dead? The individual
cannot be a full on skeleton, rather, their flesh should be affected and some limbs may be replaced with bones! Other forms of decay may present depending on where the character lives: For aquatic beings, barnacles or dead coral (muted in color) may stick to them. For those on land, critters may wander around the decayed parts.
Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

Spectral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Ominous Chest

Season: Autumn

Some parts of these creatures seem to be dissolving into a spectral mass. The body part must visibly turn into spectral matter/fizzle out. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating. Spectral whisps may also float around the character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Translucent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Clarity

Season: Autumn

Part of these individuals body have mysteriously turned translucent. This allows for any sort of  translucent limbs, which may have visible bones or simply appear empty. Gore/Organs are not allowed!

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Crystallized (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Cool Pepper

Season: Winter

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed crystallized features. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, or a whole limb. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It may also cause an icy / snowflake aura around the character, or floating crystals.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Plushified (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Plush Patches

Season: Winter

Parts of these beings have turned into plush. How curious. This allows for the addition of plush patches, stitches or plush limbs made of fabric to a character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Bioluminiscent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Glow Paint

Season: Spring

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed glowing, bioluminicent body parts. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, markings or scales as well.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: This trait is not needed for species that naturally glow such as Arma Caeli. You may add glow to things that naturally glow without needing this trait.


Earthen (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: The Shatterer

Season: Spring

These creatures have body parts made out of stone, clay or earth. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It can also simply cause floating stones or pieces around the character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Watery (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Ocean Flute

Season: Summer

Water magic seems to affect bits of these characters body, turning them liquid. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating ripples of water. There may also be bubbles floating around the character.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Sparkling (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Pearl Powder

Season: Spring

These individuals shine so bright that they emanate sparkles or stars that surround them like an aura. The sparkles can be any shape or color.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: You are free to add sparkle/shine to any artwork as a stylistical feature, this only concerns a very extreme sparkle effect that would be noticable in their world, and has taken on an almsot tangible form (similar to snowflakes floating).
