Traits are special features that a character may have! They come in different rarities and can be earned by participating in site events and activities to then buy the corresponding trait item. You can then submit a MYO with said trait item, or send a design update request with one if you'd like to add a trait to an existing character. Trait items can be found in shops, so you may want to go window shopping...


Tentacular (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Elemental
Species: Any
Element: Venom
Season: Autumn
Dabbling into too many suspicous dishes and potions may have you end up with some...slithery extra limbs. Some beings grow tentacles on their body. They can be smooth, slimy and may have suckers.
NOTE: This trait is limited at up to 8 tentacles. If a species has tentacles already, these have to exist in addition to that and cannot replace them.
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