Prompts can be completed by creating drawn or written artwork and will reward you for handing them in. Some prompts are permanent while others are event or plot based.
My Realm, My Home

My Realm, My Home

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Explore your character's origins!


Time to explore where your character is from! With each species having their respective realms, there's a lot to discover. Read up on some lore about the areas, or ask some questions about it on discord - and finally, depict your character interacting with, exploring, travelling, or just learning about their home!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 30
New Life, new Stories

New Life, new Stories

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Got a new character approved that you worked really hard on? Collect some sweet coins & magic for it here!


For those new characters who joined RA- Go grab some coins for their reference art! Don't forget to fill in the criteria rewards!

Art Requirements: Minimum 1 humanoid or feral fullbody reference. Must be off base unless it's your own base, in which case you may only claim rewards for it once!
Where to post: Link your character/main ref image & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per character you designed, as long as you did not receive another form of payment for it! (eg. no commissioned designs)


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 10
Magic 5
A kind of Magic

A kind of Magic

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Magic is abundant in many realms, but it's not exclusively a good thing.


In many realms, magic is natural, a given - whereas others have never seen real magic before. It can be a force sought after by both good and evil forces alike, sometimes gained through anothers suffering, sometimes given voluntarily. For this prompt, depict your character(s) during a magic related activity. Are they studying it? Overflowing with it? Can they practice it, or do they need to harness it with the help of someone else? Is it dark magic, or healing magic? Mayhaps it's their first time actually witnessing a form of it. There's plenty room to be creative! 

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: None (for now), but note that due to the inherent way lorekeeper works, you will have to submit this prompt separately each time you finish a piece for it, and the pieces should depict different characters or the same character with a different idea. Also note that the art must clearly reflect the theme of the prompt and cannot be an unrelated piece of artwork.


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Magic 10
Artful Experiments

Artful Experiments

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Get your art practice in by getting experimental!


Artsists need room to grow and experiment, and characters want to be explored and built up on in creative ways! For this prompt, the only guideline is that you try something out of the ordinary with your style. The following types of submissions will be accepted (and more may come in future):

  • Lineart practice
  • limited color usage (max 3 colors)
  • texture experimentation
  • Expression practice
  • Style challenges (cartoon/specific manga styles)
  • Perspective practice

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator! It would be appreciated if you comment what kind of challenge and experiment you were going for.
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 20
In Style

In Style

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Show off your taste in fashion!


Surely, most characters don't always wear the same type of clothing. This prompt is your chance to show off their wardrobe! Whether it be swimwear, fancy evening gowns, sleepwear or just casual everyday clothes - as long as it's a new outfit, anything goes! 

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited, drawn art only because it must show off the whole outfit (fullbody art). Bases are allowed!


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 30
Work it

Work it

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Most of us work hard during their day to day, what does your character like to work on?


For this prompt, show your character working on...something! Whether it is their actual day job, a profession they learned for fun, or something they do as a hobby. 

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 30
All the Ships

All the Ships

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Friendships, relationships, many ships!


Relationships between people are complex and varied. For this prompt, we'd like you to explore the relations between your characters! Are they frenemies, or even friends to enemies? Childhood friends? Friends with benefits, or lovers? Colleagues or family? All ships are welcome!

While it can also cover romantic relationships/partners, we recommend also checking the "In Love" prompt to see which rewards you prefer!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 30
Everyone has a favorite

Everyone has a favorite

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

But what is yours?


In life, everyone has many favorite things. A favorite food, a favorite plushie, that one drink you really like. What favorite object or item does your character have? Show us how they enjoy it!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 30
The past and the future

The past and the future

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

Travel in time to show us how your character fared - or will fare!


While timetravel isn't a thing yet in Realms Away, it is nonetheless fun to explore the origins and destiny of a character. For this prompt, you can show us either side of it! What did your character look like as a child, and what was their childhood like? How do they look when they are older, and what type of person did they become? 

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 30
General Artwork

General Artwork

Category: General Prompts
Species: Any

For all the prompt unrelated artwork!


Use this to submit any artwork that is not related to a specific prompt! It will still allow you to claim rewards via the coin reward calculator, but without any additional prompt rewards. (This takes the place of gallery submissions for coins).

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Artwork Gallery (of the correct species, by clicking the little + next to the species name) or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


No rewards.
Velarune's Defense

Velarune's Defense

Category: Event Prompts
Species: Any
Ends: 1 July 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (4 days 16 hours from now)

Help the Aeria as they bolster their defenses, and help Equos in need.


Uncategorized, dark Equos have been sighted more and more. Unfortunately, not all of them happen to be peaceful - something in them seems to drive them against other Equos. The Aeria decided to form a pact with all other Equos in an effort to protect citizens from this unpredictable threat. This is where you come in! Depict your character helping out the defense efforts. They could prepare camps for those seeking safety, or they could offer their skills in weapon and armorsmithing. They can patrol the lands and subdue threats, or try to gather more information about the strange new Equos. Perhaps they prefer prepping for the expedition, hell bent on joining in! Any help is needed.

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Magic 30
Darkness 1
Into the Nether

Into the Nether

Category: Event Prompts
Species: Any
Ends: 1 July 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (4 days 16 hours from now)

Press on into the nether, but take care.


With the stationary defenses deemed safe enough, it is time to embark on an expedition straight into the Nether. Mar hopes to find some answers on its origin and the uncategorized Equos here, but danger lurks at any corner...For this prompt, show us your character on the Nether expedition. Are they having trouble with the rough, heavy environment? Do they fend of dark attackers lurking in the shadows? Or are they busy chatting up Mar? Whichever your character chooses to do, the expedition has to progress!

Note: The nether is a dark and spooky area. You can find some inspiration on how it may look here.

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Magic 30
Darkness 1
Infernal 1
Fragile Peace

Fragile Peace

Category: Event Prompts
Species: Any
Ends: 1 July 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (4 days 16 hours from now)

What are your character's thoughts on the meeting with Nether?


After meeting Nether, who seems to have something to do with the origin of the darkness and Equos Infernalis, many questions are left in Mar's head. Surely, your character also is not quite sure what to think about it. Show us what impact the meeting with Nether had on your character. Are they worried, or hopeful? Eager to learn more, or just impressed by the spooky horse man? Share your character's thoughts or reaction!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Magic 30
Darkness 1
Knight of Dark 1
Awkward Times

Awkward Times

Category: Monthly Prompts
Species: Any
Ends: 1 July 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (4 days 16 hours from now)

What was your character's most awkward moment?


We all know it. Some of us would rather not remember, others laugh about it, thinking back. Awkward moments are part a of life that we cannot avoid, and neither can your characters! For this prompt, show us your characters most awkward moment. Make it fun, keep it simple, whatever you feel like doing!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Coin 80
You are my Sunshine

You are my Sunshine

Category: Summer Prompts
Species: Any
Ends: 1 September 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (2 months 4 days from now)

My only sunshine...


When you think of summer, you think of sunny days! The question is, what does your character think of those? Are they the type to enjoy sunbathing, or would they rather stay under an umbrella before they melt? Perhaps they are also part of a group that particularly looks up to the sun, such as a sunborn lovabun. How do they show their admiration? As long as it's got to do with your character vs the shining sun, you are good!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Ice Cream 40
Colors of Summer

Colors of Summer

Category: Summer Prompts
Species: Any
Ends: 1 September 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (2 months 4 days from now)

Blue like the ocean, golden like the rays of the sun.


What colors do you think of when you think of summer? With this very open and simple prompt, depict one of your characters while exploring that question! If you choose to write about it, make sure your piece focuses on the colors of summer. You may also write a poem about it!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Ice Cream 40
Summer Nights

Summer Nights

Category: Summer Prompts
Species: Any
Ends: 1 September 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (2 months 4 days from now)

Who says only summer days are great?


Summer during the day is great, but summer at night can also be neat! For this prompt, show us how your character spends their summer nights. Are they on vacation, enjoying the gentle evening breeze instead of the hot day sun? Do they indulge in cocktails at the bar? Perhaps, they'd dance the night away on the sand at a beach party. Any way to pass time during a summer night is a go! 

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Ice Cream 40
To the Lopilands

To the Lopilands

Category: MYO Prompts
Species: Lopilu

What was one of your characters (first) impression of the Lopilands?


The Lopilands are a magical place inhabited by the Lopilu - whose powers and many professions fascinate people across realms.

Whether or not you have been around when these lands were first discovered, at some point, one of your characters may have stumbled into them! By birth or by travel, they are sure to have seen something that left a lasting impression on them. For this prompt, show us your characters first or most memorable moment here! It can be an interaction they had, or a certain landscape that took their breath away - perhaps even local food or displays of magic. Let your creativity flow~

Note: You can complete this prompt with any species!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User 


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Fountain Bloom (Recipe) 1
Manes and Magic

Manes and Magic

Category: MYO Prompts
Species: Lopilu

Prove yourself to be a friend and ally to the Lopilu!


It's time to get some deeper understanding of Lopilu customs and lifestyle, so that you may prove yourself a friend to the Lopilu and earn a Sleeping Bloom - a precious flower that was harvested straight from the fountain of creation! To earn the favor of the Lopilu, depict your character trying their best to understand and participate in Lopilu culture. Do they partake in mane braiding and care? Magic Meditation? Do they offer their help to Lopilu in need, or just obsessively study anything they can learn about them? Perhaps they even saved some from the grasps of the Stydians. Or they happen to be very generous, showering a founder with lavish gifts and attention. Possibilities are endless, as long as it has a positive impact on the Lopilu.

Note: You can complete this prompt with any species!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Unlimited


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Sleeping Bloom 1
Fountain Keeper

Fountain Keeper

Category: MYO Prompts
Species: Lopilu

Your knowledge and kindness towards the Lopilu has been acknowledged!


You did it, you successfully grew a Fountain Bloom and may use it to create new Lopilu life!

This prompt may only be completed once! Show off your first crafted Lopilu MYO slot, proving that you truly understand the Lopilu ways.

Where to post: Submit this prompt with a link to your inventory with the crafted Lopilu MYO Slot! The log should mention that it was created by crafting to be eligible. You may also submit a link to the log page of your inventory where you obtained the slot via crafting, should you have already opened the slot.
Prompt Limits: Once per user


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Magic 50
Fountain Keeper 1
32 results found.