Prompts can be completed by creating drawn or written artwork and will reward you for handing them in. Some prompts are permanent while others are event or plot based.

Build up your endurance to progress on your journey to ascension.


You have been told the one step towards reaching ascension is to strengthen the body.

This prompt can only be completed by Lopilu! In order to unlock the ascended transformation, they must first strengthen their body and learn to endure physical pain. For this prompt, depict how your character tackles this task. Do they pick up a rigorous training routine, or do they go the route of the monks, enduring in sheer cold and blistering heat? Any type of activity that steels the body is acceptable!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per Character, Lopilu only!


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Proof of Endurance 1


Ascension needs you to be strong in both body and magic.

This prompt can only be completed by Lopilu! In order to unlock the ascended transformation, they must learn to harness their magic, cultivate it, and improve its flow. Do they find a teacher to help them do this, or does your character decide to meditate alone? Mayhaps they take more drastic measures, cutting part of their tail to learn how to manage magic more efficiently with a smaller pool of it..whatever it is, show us!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per Character, Lopilu only!


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Proof of Magic 1

Earn the favor of a founder to ascend beyond!


The final component of ascension is the blessing of a founder; a small amount of their magic to kickstart the transformation in you.

This prompt can only be completed by Lopilu! To truly ascend, a Lopilu needs a little starting help. This is most commonly achieved by earning the favor of a founder, who will grant your Lopilu a part of their vast magic. Using this, the transformation can be initiated! For this prompt, show us how your character earns the favor of one of the nine founders. Do they work their charm, or do they let their actions speak for themselves by taking up various tasks around the founders hub? You may also draw your character receiving the blessing of one of the founders, and may include them in your artwork.

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per Character, Lopilu only!


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Blessing of the Founder 1

Congrats on mastering ascension!


You did it, you unlocked and mastered the secret of Ascension! As such, you deserve a special reward...

This prompt can only be completed by Lopilu, and may only be completed once! Show off your first ascended Lopilu artwork/design. You can use their Ascended transformation artwork for this.

Where to post: Submit this prompt with a link to your ascended Lopilu & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per user, Lopilu only!


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Royal Sprout 1
Magic 50
Ascended 1

Bond with your companion to unlock the true power of an alt form!


Alters are a mysterious form granted by the artefact power of a companion that uses the elemental powers of the companion. This form allows for easy travel through the reflection, and is not permanent. Generally, it is the form your character will appear as within the reflection. If they are very skilled and have a very deep bond with the companion, they may pull this off in another realm for a limited amount of time. Do you have what it takes to unlock this power?

Having a bonded companion is one of the best things that can happen to any adventurer. Over are the days of having to thoroughly plan trips to the reflection - hello, wild spontaneous travels and Reflection Brawls! For this prompt, show us how the bond between your character and a companion of their choice formed. This should be a depiction of one or more specific scenes/situations rather than just artwork of your character posing with a companion. Be as creative as you want! 

Note: If you have old art fulfilling this criteria that was not made for another prompt, you may submit it for this prompt.

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per Character
Make sure to link the character that should receive the reward when you submit the prompt!


These rewards will be awarded to the characters fulfilling this prompt.
Reward Amount
Exceptional Bond 1
5 results found.