Location Types

Main Realm (Main Realms)

The main realms in which most events of Realms Away play out.

Side Realm (Side Realms)

Other realms that are accessible via the reflection if one can see past the veil.

Non Magical (Non Magical)

Magic is not really a thing here. Life is more down to earth, conflicts are resolved with weapons or hands.

Varelia (Varelia)

Different areas in Varelia!

Candoris (Candoris)

Locations that belong to Candoris!

Loova (Loova)

Locations within Loova.

Ihrutia (Ihrutia)

Locations in Ihrutia

Neo-Maera (Neo-Maera)

Locations in Neo-Maera.

Gaianu (Gaianu)

Locations in Gaianu.
9 results found.