The mystery of lost orbs

Duration:  March 1st - April 1st, Realm: Varelia

Upon exploring, more and more adventurers have happend upon mysterious, semi-translucent orbs in the wicked woods. Lacking in color, they are neither glass nor gemstone, and it is presently unclear what exactly they are - but they seem to be something magical. To figure this mystery out, the Adventurer's Guild has called for searches to bring back more of these orbs for examination. Additionally, they seems to resonate with different nature items, so collecting those is also going to be part of the study. Will you help them?

This is the first part of an event all about strange orbs! In order to take part, you must either find a Lost Orb in the wicked woods, or complete an event prompt that grants you one! Then, you may want to check out the new Natural Mystery collection which contains some fauna and flora that the orb seems to react to. It will unlock a way to enrichen your Lost orb and upgrade it to a Humming orb - an item that will be expanded on in the second part of the event. Can you make it?


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