Steam-power Engineering


created by Moonlight-Selkie

Can be joined by characters.

Steam-power Engineering is a Guild that focuses on research and development into Steam-powered technology.


Steam-power Engineering is a Guild that focuses on research and development into Steam-powered technology, Originally set up by a group of Steam Faun from the East area of Ihrutia is now accepts member from all places and backgrounds. 

The vast majority of members of Steam-power Engineering are: Engineers, Mechanics, Inventors or Mathematicians, the guild also accepts those who are: Metal-Smiths, Chemists, Physicists or Electricians. 

Steam-power Engineering offers in house apprenticeships and training to all members, and also offers to pay the tuition for members who are studying at certain academies.

The funding for Steam-power Engineering tends to comes from the pocket of high ranking members, donations by wealthy patrons, or sponsorship by certain businesses or corporations. Steam-power Engineering also holds fund-raisers or even collaborates with charities to raise money.    

Faction Ranks


Someone with notable standing in the guild and who is at master rank in knowledge but instead they teach the Apprentices.
Someone a high standing in the guild and who are masters in there particular field.
Somone who has been a member for a long time and who has notable resepcet and high standing in the guild.
Council Member
Members who have the most power and respect in the Guild, they are the leaders of the group.

Member Ranks

Someone brand new to the Guild
Novice Apprentice
Someone who is studying under the Guild, and who still has a lot to learn.
Intermediate Apprentice
Someone who is studying under the Guild, and who has a fair bit of knowledge but still has a bit to learn.
Advanced Apprentice
Someone who is studying under the Guild, and who has learned enough to be close to graduating from being an Apprentice.
Someone who has completed there Apprenticeship under the guild and now need to develop there specialty. they have notable standing in the guild

Members: 1 ・ See All

Associated Faunas
Associated Location