
Non Magical - (Generic Species)

If you have any questions, do not be shy and feel free to inquire on discord!


The Living

The Faun are mythical creatures that inhabit the lands far and wide. Their behaviors and appearance greatly varies depending on where they come from, as does their culture and customs. They are from a realm rather weak on magic, but that's not to say they don't know how to carry themselves. Most of them share a deep connection to nature. Their legs are sturdy and strong, and they're exceptional runners - easily outrunning humans.

In a world inhabited by humans and faun, conflicts arise at every corner. Humans stick to their villages, building more and more impressive buildings and weaponery, striving for simple lives in luxury. Southern faun tend to the abused forests, in tune with nature, desperate to protect the woods that are their home. Northern faun terrorize the vast mountain ranges in the far north, where it's so cold that hardly any humans choose to live there. These three groups have been coexisting more or less peacefully, with humans and northern faun being the usual trouble makers. Humans started hunting faun for fame and cheap labour. Northern faun started raiding villages. Southern faun try to establish peace with their northern kin, whilst struggling to stay alive. In these circumstances, many personal stories unfold- and they are more connected than one might think.

From the north

The roughest of the bunch, the northern faun are ragged and strong. Due to mostly living in the freezing mountains, their own color palette has adapted to fit that area, with litte saturation. They do have a thing for war paint however.

From the South

They live like their ancestors, hidden in woods and forests, within their own kind. They are at danger of being hunted down unless they stick to their groups. They blend in well with nature, especially in summer, with lush greens and warm colors.

Steam from the east

These faun have left their roots in the forests and wildness behind, moving into the cities alongside humans. Their colors have grown muted, more browns and greys, and their fashion style adjusted to city life.

Flowers from the west

The softest of the bunch, while living civilized lives, they have not left the woods behind. They can be found with pastel colored fur, soft in general.

The Undead

Although Ihrutia is a realm with little magic, it has not been left untouched by the influence of the reflection. In fact, certain individuals have discovered a wicked ritual that can be performed with certain conditions met: All that's needed is the grave of a faun, a dark intent, and an object infused with magic from the reflection. The result - Skelefaun. Deathly beautiful, strange creatures that exist at the brink between life and death. A Skelefaun doesn't come into the world fully grown- once most of their body has surfaced from the earth, they are much like children. They need a lot of care and the risk of them dying before ever reaching adult form is high. Occassionally, some of them retain memories or features of the being that gave them life. 

They tend to be fragile, not usually dangerous, but reports of rogue individuals have been made. Their bodies are thin and partly reminiscent of skeletons. They do have skin, but its taut against their limbs and very thin. It can break easily without bleeding. Their 'ribs' and spikes may shatter just as easily, but they are able to regrow them if treated well. Thanks to that, one may encounter the same Skelefaun with a different numbers of 'ribs'.

For obvious reasons, the creation of Skelefaun is highly questionable and more than frowned upon.


All Living Faun have the following features!

  • Horns of any shape/size
  • Elf like ears that can be longer/shorter
  • Hooved feet alike a horse or deer
    • Short or longer fur tufts near their hooves (exception: Undead faun, see subtype!)
  • Markings on their body/legs 
    • markings can be any color, markings  may not be not highly detailed unless they are tattoos
  • long horse like tails or short deer like tails (exception: Undead faun, see subtype!)
  • human skin tones or grey tones
  • human eyes with a white sclera
    • colored sclera possible as a tattoo



Northern (Faun subtype)

Masterlist Examples

The roughest of the bunch, the northern faun are ragged and strong. Due to mostly living in the freezing mountains, their own color palette has adapted to fit that area, with litte saturation. They do have a thing for war paint however.


Southern (Faun subtype)

Masterlist Examples

They live like their ancestors, hidden in woods and forests, within their own kind. They are at danger of being hunted down unless they stick to their groups. They blend in well with nature, especially in summer, with lush greens and warm colors.


Steam (Faun subtype)

Masterlist Examples

These faun have left their roots in the forests and wildness behind, moving into the cities alongside humans. Their colors have grown muted, more browns and greys, and their fashion style adjusted to city life. They are technically the Eastern faun.


Western (Faun subtype)

Masterlist Examples

The softest of the bunch, while living civilized lives, they have not left the woods behind. They can be found with pastel colored fur, soft in general.


Undead (Faun subtype)

Masterlist Examples

Common undead Faun/Skelefaun without any extra traits will have the following features:

  • Horns of any shape/size
  • Elf like ears that can be longer/shorter
  • Hooved feet alike a horse or deer
  • Limited markings on their body/legs 
  • No fur, taunt skin
  • No tail or a skeletal tail
  • Clawed hands
  • human skin tones or grey tones
  • markings can be any color, markings not highly detailed unless they are tattoos

MYO Slots

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/62" class="display-item">The Seasons Bouquet</a>

The Seasons Bouquet


Category: MYO

Uses: Faun MYO

A bouquet made up of flowers from all four parts of Ihrutia. It is a common gift to new faun parents from their peers and as such, holds a big symbolic meaning.

This item, upon usage, will grant you a Living Faun MYO slot with all common traits!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/63" class="display-item">Mystifying Skull</a>

Mystifying Skull


Category: MYO

Uses: Faun MYO

This skull radiates a strange force, mayhaps coming from the gem in its forehead...Surely, it is more than just decorative?

This item, upon usage, will grant you a Undead Faun MYO slot with all common traits!


Intricate Ears

Intricate Ears (Uncommon) Masterlist Examples

Category: Ear
Species: Faun
Granted By: Intricate Earrings

There are those among the faun who still posses the ear shapes of older generations, much more prone to details and form changes. Some are even lined with fur. These ears must remain shaped like elf-ears and cannot turn into cat ears or the likes.


Fluffy (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Floof

Season: Winter

Individuals that inhabit cold climates may grow thicker and longer fur to keep warm. This fur may grow in areas that a species usually does not grow fur in, or just heavily amplify existing fur. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

NOTE: If a species naturally has some longer tufts of fur in an area, such as near the hooves of faun or equos, the fluffy trait is not needed.


Floral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Soul Bloom

Season: Spring

Plant like growths on their bodies and a very in depth relationship with nature, these beings are quite the sight. This can range from sprouting flowers to having whole limbs made off of wood or plant matter. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. There may also be floating flowers or petals around them.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

On Fire

On Fire (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Lava Pepper
Season: Summer

Fire/Lava like flames being summoned around their body. Better be cautious around these folks! This can range from candle like flames around them to entire limbs cloaked in flame. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating wisps of fire. Smoke is not covered by this trait, only flames. These Flames may glow like real fire.
Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 

Thunderstruck (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Steel Rods
Season: Summer

Sparks/Lightning around the individual. Shocking!  It only gathers around the body / can be discharged from the body.
An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!
Smoke Cloaked

Smoke Cloaked (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: TBE
Season: Winter

Smoke, gas or mist gathering around the individual. These individuals often wear a mask that filter the potentially harmful bits of their smoke. The smoke can be cloud-like or wispy in form and may be semi-translucent.
An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

Melting (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Enchanted Candle

Season: Summer

The heat caused some of the features of these individuals to melt, or to turn into a type of wax or goo. Affected features may be deformed/have a pattern. It can affect parts such as horns & the body itself. This trait is not painful to the affected.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Mechanical (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Mechanical Limb

Season: Autumn

Mechanical limbs and addons of all kinds, for those who are more prone to science than magic. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to technology. The features of each species must be retained. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

NOTE: You don't need this trait to create prosthetics for your character. Mechanical only refers to highly sought after and technologically advanced robotic limbs that integrate with the body in a way that there is no notable difference between it and a regular limb, think fullmetal alchemist!



Zombiefied (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Eternity
Season: Autumn

These individuals look like death incarnate. From their scarred, tinted skin to raw chunks of flesh, or with visible bones... Do you want you want your character to look like the walking dead? The individual
cannot be a full on skeleton, rather, their flesh should be affected and some limbs may be replaced with bones! Other forms of decay may present depending on where the character lives: For aquatic beings, barnacles or dead coral (muted in color) may stick to them. For those on land, critters may wander around the decayed parts.
Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

Spectral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Ominous Chest

Season: Autumn

Some parts of these creatures seem to be dissolving into a spectral mass. The body part must visibly turn into spectral matter/fizzle out. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating. Spectral whisps may also float around the character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Translucent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Clarity

Season: Autumn

Part of these individuals body have mysteriously turned translucent. This allows for any sort of  translucent limbs, which may have visible bones or simply appear empty. Gore/Organs are not allowed!

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Crystallized (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Cool Pepper

Season: Winter

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed crystallized features. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, or a whole limb. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It may also cause an icy / snowflake aura around the character, or floating crystals.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Plushified (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Plush Patches

Season: Winter

Parts of these beings have turned into plush. How curious. This allows for the addition of plush patches, stitches or plush limbs made of fabric to a character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Bioluminiscent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Glow Paint

Season: Spring

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed glowing, bioluminicent body parts. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, markings or scales as well.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: This trait is not needed for species that naturally glow such as Arma Caeli. You may add glow to things that naturally glow without needing this trait.


Earthen (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: The Shatterer

Season: Spring

These creatures have body parts made out of stone, clay or earth. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It can also simply cause floating stones or pieces around the character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Watery (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Ocean Flute

Season: Summer

Water magic seems to affect bits of these characters body, turning them liquid. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating ripples of water. There may also be bubbles floating around the character.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Sparkling (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Pearl Powder

Season: Spring

These individuals shine so bright that they emanate sparkles or stars that surround them like an aura. The sparkles can be any shape or color.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: You are free to add sparkle/shine to any artwork as a stylistical feature, this only concerns a very extreme sparkle effect that would be noticable in their world, and has taken on an almsot tangible form (similar to snowflakes floating).


Associated Location
Associated Event