Can be home to characters.


Side Realm
The world of Lovabuns.


Loova is a planet inhabited mostly by bunny like people, the Loovanians or Lovabuns, although humans have settled down widely as well. This world is not magical in itself, but a mysterious dimension often called the 'Reflection' has been discovered- through which mysterious artefacts entered Loova. There are rumours about some lovabuns having discovered these artifacts and beginning to realm hop. Their affinity with certain mutations suggests that their bodies are conductive to outside forces and magic, but presently few of them employ it.


Located inside Loova

Location Impressions: Pinterest Board


Rather than a whole country, Skyreach is a coalition of various cities in the sky, existing ever since their sky project was deemed a success. As such, they are a younger nation born after the Fall. The various cities can be different in style, although they share the same technology used, and all of them will have a similar structure with important buildings such as the city hall and council of leaders in the same place. Being high up in the sky, the air is rather thin, which has been solved by gigantic oxygen pumps filtering and enrichening the air. Generally, they prefer to build high and with light materials.
Located inside Loova

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


Alderburgh is the only city left in the dust zone, after the Fall wiped them all out. Survivors banded together, rebuilding the capital first. Ever since then, instead of forming new towns, they've been expanding Alderburgh instead - turning it into the biggest city and state of the dust zone. Despite the setbacks, they have grown in strength considerably. Still, the rough times and harsh environment takes its toll on the place, leaving architecture and technology look rugged and dirty rather than shiny and clean, and necessitating the use of specialised masks to make it through the common sandstorms. They are, however, no less advanced than others.
Located inside Loova

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


The tideborn, due to their very common mutation that allows them to breathe underwater, have done the next logical thing and began building their cities in the ocean. This prevents enemies to enter easily, while still allowing for visitors with special precautions taken. Because the deeper areas of the ocean are quite dark, they use many lights to brighten up their streets, but keep it rather simple and practical otherwise. They also tend to not build very high, except for special watchtowers, embracing the safety of lower waters.
Located inside Loova

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


Space wise, Tougata is a big nation, if not the biggest. They settled in the lands with plenty of flowers and fertile ground, as well as many resources given to them by the land, and have spread far and wide. There are smaller villages in hidden groves, as well as big hubs with their own guard and incredible trade markets. The architecture is predominantly that seen in the far east, although they have made many technological advancements as well - they simply prefer not to show it in the way they build.
Located inside Loova

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


The jungle has long since been considered impenetrable, however, this could not be further from the truth. The tribes of old have always lived here, and while the world moved on, so did they. Few of them still reside in small communities, apart from the rest of society, while most have settled in one of the handful big jungle hubs. While still overgrown with vegetation and dealing with many beastly threats, these cities are top notch in advancement, generally providing safe space to live. Similarly to Alderburgh, though, nature takes its course and leaves these cities looking a little lost and untended to.
Located inside Loova

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


As a small community, the sunborn have built Solis to be their refuge - and it is great enough to house all sunborn who wish to reside there. While providing a great sense of security and belonging, this community is rather strictly governed, however. Their city is built in gold, honoring the sun, and to make improvements they do not hesitate to include advancements of others.
Located inside Loova

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


Like the sunborn, moonborn are a smaller group that somehow, miraculously, always seems to even out with the Sun. As such, they also have a city to call their home, yet clad in silver rather than gold.
Located inside Loova

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


The Sanctuary was built by an initially small circle of peace loving people, who wished to escape the feud of the sky and dust, wanting to provide homes to those who want to escape as well. This has proven to be a vastly successful attempt, as the sanctuary has well grown. It lies on neutral ground, and is generally left alone by other factions - and its numbers are still rising. Because many people from many places arrive here, the city takes inspiration from many areas, and is quite bright and colorful.
Located inside Loova
Where Bratcats & PrettyKitties fight quarrel.

Location ImpressionsPinterest Board


CatCity, where there's BratCats and PrettyKitties, and a lot of gang related trouble. There are actually many of these types of cities, although they take up a very small amount of space compared to all the Lovabun-made areas. The population of Felis is much lower than that of Lovabuns, perhaps due to all the infighting. Generally, cat cities tend to have a more run-down and rough look, though there are some nicer areas inhabited by wealthy felis.

If someone does not belong to a group, caution should be advised. Likewise, it is not recommended to travel to these cities for fun or as a tourist, especially not if you are a Lovabun.

Associated Faction
Associated Figure
Associated Fauna