

created by Bawarskie

Can be joined by characters.

A fancy bar with a very long story...


Blacksuits is an old bar where all kinds of visitors can rest, drink or entertain.
The Blacksuits offer a two separate bar zones (recreational zone and playroom), expensive beverages, luxury atmosphere and gambling, of course. A lovely staff will provide you with everything you need.

There is a rumor going around that Blacksuits trademark is owned by undead person. Many people visit bar just out of their curiosity, but they never met this almost mysterious figure.

Want to join? You need to contact the Blacksuits owner when she open applications! You can be any species, live in any Realm, have any qualification - she is gonna find you and conduct an interview!
Want to support the bar? You can either buy a pass and enjoy exclusive seasonal cocktails at any time, or leave some tips at our friendly bartender's counter!

Blacksuits etiquette: 1)No mood ruining. You are safe in this place, relax! Our lovely guards can resolve any disputes*
2)No collusions at the gaming table. Let's keep all games civil and fair.
3)No flirting with a main bartender.

* The Blacksuits is not responsible for any harm caused by breaking our TOS


Warning: I may include your character(s) on arts (for background or in focus) if you decide to join the Blacksuits. I always check char's art gift statuses. So please set art gifts to "allowed" if you want your character(s) to be included! 

Also Blacksuits is going to expand visitor's ranks and open applications for staff soon. Stay tuned!

Faction Ranks


People who keep this place safe. They have a nice breakroom, too (applications will open soon!).
Croupiers, hosts, musicians - the core Blacksuits staff (applications will open soon!).
A person who makes cocktails and play a role of psychologist (sometimes).
The mysterious figure who rule this place.

Member Ranks

Regular visitors who's faces become recognisable among the staff.

Members: 3 ・ See All

Associated Location