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Image #3895
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21 March 2024, 14:19:15 UTC
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as of 2024-04-18 08:24:45


Cheri is a Bloomborn Lovabun who currently lives with her wife Ochre, and their pet Lilonion, Shallot. Although Cheri was originally born within the Loova nation of Tougata, one day while out hunting she slipped and fell down into a rabbit hole that contained a rift. Once she managed to claw her way out of the other side she found herself within the Ma'al forest of the Candoris realm, and that she had startled Ochre, a Gleamtastic that had just been foraging for berries. Ochre offered Cheri her shawl for decency, and the two headed back to Ochre's cottage where, after a bath and some fresh clothes, the two shared stories of their tales.

The two rabbits shared the cottage together for a while, Cheri slowly coming to terms with the new domain and Ochre coming to terms with her new roommate. They got on surprisingly well for two people seperated by entire dimensions, and they'd gotten into a flow of life with one another, Cheri's inate love of cooking dovetailed well with Ochre's love of gardening and botany. Ochre took alot of pride in finding only the best herbs and vegetables to bring home, and Cheri took alot of passion in taking those ingredients and making them into a satisfying meal.