More adventurers...I should have known. Recently, you've been arriving in droves.
Can't exactly fault you with how big of a rift the guardian tree created, but I digress. You must return. Neo Maera does not need any strange creatures freely roaming around.
Our kind has suffered enough. I can offer you to take a look around my glade, but that is the extent of my generosity.
Do not try me. You will regret it.
...although, maybe you can be of help.
Duration: October 1st - November 1st, Realm: Neo Maera
Through an enourmous rift, you stumble into the realm of serpents - and find yourself in a forest of gigantic proportions, with a rather annoyed looking serpent man looming over you.
Neo Maera, the realm of Serpents has been discovered! Unfortunately, your advances are blocked by a suspicious serpent by the name of Midgardsormr, who tells you that you may not proceed out into the world. It seems you will need to stick around and gain his trust within this mysterious forest for now! But not to worry, there will be perks for you as well.
magical apples
As per usual with events, you can earn magic , by completing the newly released Event Prompts! The main currency for this event, however, are appleseeds
- which you will need to collect. If you collect enough seeds, Midgardsormr may grant you some of his mysterious magical apples...and, eventually, his trust. These all new apple items can be used to change the variant of your companion! There are multiple ways to go about it:
- Feeding your sleeping companion an apple of their (base) element will cause it to awaken instantly
- Feeding your companion an apple of their (base) element will awaken artefact powers in them if they do not have any
- Companions with artefact powers can eat apples of other elements, and may be granted a second element and different form (if it exists).
You will also want to have an eye out for the new daily, Serpent's Apples, and check in on Midgardsormr every day. If you do it for 10 days, he has a special gift for you that goes hand in hand with another reveal to happen on the 11th of october!
Serpents unleashed
With the reveal of Neo Maera comes the reveal of the serpents- and some new items! You can buy the new serpent MYO item from Midgardsormr during october, or mayhaps the travel location Serpent Glade interests you? The Soft Egg will be regularly available in Aknaras grotto for coins as well. The Tetrapodophis (multi arms) trait for serpents can be achieved by buying a Stone Snake Idol from Freaque Antique!
Monthly Prompt
It's a hatch! Or is it?
Some dragon eggs were found, but were they all hatched? Show us the state of your dragon egg and earn 80 !