
Piscis (Nimare subtype)

Masterlist Examples

The fish-like Nimare that make up most of the population. They tend to have tails resembling fish, from sharks to stingrays to made up ones!

  • No Trait Beta: a decent sized fish like tail that is neither armored nor has overly frilly decoration. Length should be between 1/2 and 2/3 the height of their body.
  • With Alpha trait: a big sturdy fish tail that may appear armored/plated, often longer than body height but at most 2x the body height, with no decoration or frills. 
  • With Omega trait: a short tiny fish tail or long very thin one with proportionlly giant fins and lots of frills / soft shapes / transparent bits. The frill/fins should take more space than the tail part. At most as long as half the body height.

1 subtype found.