Can be home to characters.

Location Impressions: Pinterest Board
Eden, aka Paradise. While unreachable for most humans, it is not quite a differnt realm or dimension. Eden is located at the top of the tallest mountain range within Gaianu, far up within the clouds, where the walls of the mountains are so steep that climbing them turns impossible for regular beings. Yet even those with the ability of flight will have trouble finding the Angelus home, as it has been hidden by a powerful magical barrier that will not grant entry to anyone: As such, only Angelus themselves may enter or leave freely (unless their right to has explicitly been revoked). Anyone else would need to be accompanied or invited.
Overall, Eden is a place painted in greens and gold. Nature thrives, so do natural springs. Many of their buildings as well as some smaller islands are kept afloat by magic, especially the upper areas which are not to be entered by those few unfortunate ones incapable of flight. The outward grandeur certainly leaves an impact, but not everything that shines is gold. Many Angelus think that descending to Gaianu to interact with humans and demons is a fun past time...