Unknown Vulpel
What the heck- you don't look like you're from here.
Unknown Vulpel
In fact, you look all...weird. And wrong. No offense.
Unknown Vulpel
But at least you don't have bat wings, I guess. Or a thirst for blood. Which means-
Unknown Vulpel
You are on our side, then?
Unknown Vesperus
HELL no, furry bastard. Back off.
Unknown Vulpel
Unknown Vesperus
Clearly, this one is a child of the night. On our side.
Unknown Vesperus
You do like the dark and mysterious, don't you?
Unknown Vulpel
The dark and creepy, more like. Don't listen to the bat. But pick your side wisely, stranger.
Duration: November 1st - December1st, Realm: Arboreum
On your travels through the realms, you come across a place completely covered in thick and dense trees and plants. It seems peaceful, at first- until you happen accross two bickering creatures that look kind of cute....
Welcome to Arboreum, the home of the Beastlings! These tiny critters take on the form of animals most of the time, but they are said to be able to shift into other, more humanoid forms. Unfortunately, as nice as this part of the forest looks, Arboreum is always in a state of conflict between two sides: The day-dwelling Vulpel, and the night-dwelling Vesperus! For eons, the two types of Beastlings have been at odds, fighting at the border between the Ancient and the Ruined woods. Mayhaps you can learn more about them by befriending them, and what's better to make a good impression than some well thought out gifts?
Collect acorns and bugs
As per usual with events, you can earn magic , by completing the newly released Event Prompts! The main currencies for this event, however, are acorns
and bugs
. Both delicacies that the different Beastlings favor. If you collect enough, you will be able to trade them for specific items related to either the Vulpel or the Vesperus! They will thank you for filling their storages, too...
- New backgrounds: Ancient Woods and Ruined Woods. These will become available via coins as well next month!
- New themes: Ancient Woods and Ruined Woods. These will become available via coins as well next month!
war of beastlings
With the reveal of Arboreum we meet the cute but fierce Beastlings! You can buy the new MYO and trait items at the Beastling Border during november, and starting next month on at Joyous Toys, the Greenhouse and Aknaras' Grotto for coins. Make sure to grab the mythical trait items (Hazelnut and Strong Blood) during this event though, as they will not be sold for coins regularly!
Join a side!
By completing the "We are the night" and "A Vulpels Tale", you can unlock these two brand new awards!
UPDATE: A new transformation & a walk in the woods
Start: November 10th!
After 10 days, your characters may feel that they have a pretty good understanding of Arboreum. That is, until they come accross a pair of very peculiar beastlings! They seem different somehow, less furry, more human? As your character inquires about how that is possible, the female laughs softly, and the male scowls. "A sliver of magic," She says. "From a strange rift." They offer your character a pendant with such a sliver and a hefty reward...if they best one of the two beastlings in a game of your choosing!
Starting novemeber 10th, you may complete the "A new Transformation" Prompt for additional acorns, bugs and a new trait item that grants your beastling the humanoid transformation! This trait item will move to the regular shops in december. Make sure to also collect extra currency from the new "Walk in the Woods" daily!
Monthly Prompt
The Great Outdoors
Who does not like camping in new realms? Show us how your characters prefer to set up camp in Arboreum and earn 80 !