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Image #3359

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31 January 2024, 14:55:33 UTC
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Uploaded: 1 year 1 month ago
Last Edited: 1 year 1 month ago
MYO Type: regular
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Paris the Starweaver

"I am made of galaxies and dreams. Let me show you the wonders you are capable of."

Paris comes from a long line of wanderers who settle only when they find their calling in life; most settle as knights, farmers or hunters but Paris wandered for a long time searching what made them the happiest. It was only from a chance encounter with a Reflection rift that they found it: magic.

During their rapid descend from Somnium after being afflicted with the magic rife from the Reflection, they dreamed of the things they could do in a matter of years in only seconds of unconsciousness. Using their newfound power; they broke their fall into Veritas and chose to live there while refining their magic and understanding of the different realms they had foreseen. They wanted to provide a safe haven for those looking to transform their appearance or life in some capacity, and offer healing herbs and magical cosmetics to help people feel more at home in their skin. Paris enjoys this work, and frequently twirls in circles creating fireworks of stars with their magic whenever they need to let loose of some stress.

• They love to socialize with others and are very perceptive about problems, often searching for solution or clemency for someone.

• Paris loves to make friends and has a few they will always stick up for; Charon and Vaine!

• Paris is a huge daydreamer and often daydreams about falling in love but doesn't believe they'll find it like they hope to. Instead they'll just be a fairy godparent to whoever needs a little magic to make a pumpkin into a carriage, some red shoes to get you home, or a little willpower to help you find the real you.