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22 July 2024, 07:08:29 UTC
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as of 2024-04-18 08:24:45


天 tiān (sky) 兔子 Tùzǐ (rabbit) 

often male, often female 

gender jumps round alot, pronouns are based on what ever there currently presenting as

uses magic to change genders at will




a carefree and joy filled lopilu, TiānTùzǐ is a fairly bubbly rabbit and a rather freindly one too boot, extremely socialble and talkative TiānTùzǐ can say they ahve a fairly active life, what many dont know that TiānTùzǐ is caulating and  exceptionally cunning somthing they mislead people to belive with there outgoing and socialble personality.

this rabbit enjoys hanging out with other lopilu and other lopilu enjo hanging out with them, TiānTùzǐ has been lesser known to slowly manipulate others into doing what they want be that giving out information or buying something for them, while TiānTùzǐ treats there freinds and family very closely and well all others are just things to get further information, help or marital things from, having a harsh view of others from there upbringing TiānTùz dose infact have few theyd call actual friends.



random notes

TiānTùzǐ, takes heavily after Usagi in not just looks but having a extremely high social IQ they use to scam others and being considered one of the girls

TiānTùzǐ has a less approachable looking face then most, having a rather scary resting face so they are often seen forcing a beight smile when meeting people 

TiānTùz has a extremely high fruad record…. tho you wont find it unless you digg deep