
Subtypes: Blessed

Living in a strictly hierarchic society, these angels have been called that by humans for centuries. What they actually are is not quite known, but they are happy to accept the fame and adoration they recieve. Some of the highest ones regularly visit the human realm to share their "wonders", which mostly ends up being support in various human conflicts - where the side with the stronger angel usually wins. Within themselves, from childhood on, their potential is heavily judged. Both in magical powers, as well as in the size of their wings. Against popular belief, not all angelus can fly, as their wings may be to small, or their magic too weak. Hence, those with small wings and weak magic are of the lowest rank, and often treated less than kindly. Angelus create and wear magical weaponry that they share a unique bond with. This is a priviliege, and thus, most angels strive to reach the high heavens all their life. Once there, they are expected to mingle only with their high-ranking peers. But not all of them represent the light and these values.

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