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Ancient Woods
Location Impressions: Pinterest Board
The Ancient woods are, as they are called, ancient. They make up the still lush and green part of the woods, which the tree-dwelling Vulpel call their home. Although they tend to live in bigger groups, building tree houses and helping each other out whenever they can, the most influential group here is the Fae Glade.
No one really knows what event led to the separation of the forest into Ruined and Ancient woods - and how the corruption of half the area happened. Regardless, tensions near the border run high, and the closer one gets, the more likely one is to run into an enemy.
Style and Fashion
Vulpel of the Ancient Woods don't necessarly see any need for elaborate clothing, often sticking close to nature. They prefer light and practical garbs, incorporating wooden and glass parts (think mosaic/glass windows) where they can. They also often use flowers to finish off their look - or anything they find in the woods, honestly. Especially if it's shiny and pretty. A sub-genre of style is the Fae Glade's, which is usually made up of dark muted or pastel colors with plants and gems or glass bits, as well as metallic accessories. They often go for a knightly or royal image.