<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/item-categories?name=Apple" class="display-category">Apple</a>


Magical apples are many companion's favorite treat! They have a certain effect on them...

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/90" class="display-item">Green Apple</a>

Green Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

A green apple that already tastes sour just by looking at it. It holds elemental plant energy.

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/91" class="display-item">Bubbly Apple</a>

Bubbly Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

An apple that looks like it's developed some bubbles...mayhaps it was submerged in water for too long? It's practically dripping with aqua energy.

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/92" class="display-item">Golden Apple</a>

Golden Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

An apple shining in gold. It has an air of mystery around it. Clearly, it was influenced by light energy.

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/93" class="display-item">Winged Apple</a>

Winged Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

Wait, since when do apples grow wings?! it must have been affected by wind energy...

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/94" class="display-item">Petrified Apple</a>

Petrified Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

Is it an apple or a rock? Whatever the case, it looks nearly inedible. But maybe that's what you need to obtain earth energy!

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/95" class="display-item">Flaming Apple</a>

Flaming Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

This apple is literally on fire. Proceed with caution unless you want to burn your mouth! It must have caught on fire due to flame energy.

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/96" class="display-item">Sinister Apple</a>

Sinister Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

This fruit looks...eerie. Mayhaps it was subject to dark energy.

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/97" class="display-item">Zap Apple</a>

Zap Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

You might get a shock if you touch this one. Or some new electric powers, who knows.

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/98" class="display-item">Poison Apple</a>

Poison Apple


Category: Apple

Resale Value: 15 Coin

This reeks of trouble. The smell, the looks...A venomous influence.

This item can be fed to a companion via the change variant option on their menu. It will either grant the companion artefact powers (same element) or a second element if available (different element)!

9 results found.