
Human turned Serpent
Aknaras was once human. Just a regular wizard, but one with a too great wish for knowledge. Usually near the top of his class, he was considered almost a prodigy- if it wasn't for his disregard of boundaries. Aknaras has never minded the border between magic and black magic much, straying further and further to places no one should ever discover. His favorite subject has always been that of transformation, and what started out as temporary spells turned into permanent magic as his research progressed. Over years, he used his own body to test theories on- changing his appearance drastically. It didn't bother him- Aknaras never felt quite human, felt better and stronger. Authorities kept close watch over him troughout his change, and at some point decided that he was to stop or leave. Since dropping his studies- especially after coming so far- wasn't an option, Aknaras left the city on his own accord. He used magic to carve himself a new home, a tall bleak tower with access to an underground lake, and continued his research. For a long time, he did not meet any other humans. When he finally did, Aknaras had to realize they'd never accept him as he was again.
Where he was once charismatic and outgoing, Aknaras now is moody and quiet. Thanks to not having a conversation with anyone in years, he may as well have lost his voice. Making an effort, he can talk- but it puts a strain on him, and sounds hoarse and sharp, snake like. If you stop by his cave, have care.