
Highly Magical - (Original Species)

If you have any questions, do not be shy and feel free to inquire on discord!


What are Lopilu?

A leporine species that lives in tight-knit communities, usually away from other kinds. They build so-called hubs that function as citystates and use secret techniques to hide them from view, so that unwelcome intruders can neither find nor enter them. Mostly built small and slender, the Lopilu should not be underestimated in battle. Their long ears help their guards detect danger way before it arrives, usually giving them enough time to prepare.

Their long tails and manes are their pride. It is said they hold magical powers and are thus sought after by other species as well. Losing ones tail or getting it cut unwillingly is a huge punishment and cause for shame. Many Lopilu choose to wear their tails in different styles, and often integrate their weapon holsters into it (if they are a fighter, that is). Their Manes may also help them wield weapons or other objects. Their arms and legs can be covered in elaborate patterns, however their face and torso tend to stay mostly free of those. Their coloration often depends on their home hub, although not all of them stay there forever.

Lopilu have the inherent ability to shapeshift into an animalistic form - although not all of them make use of that.

We shift & fight

In the world of Lopilu, there are certain classes and fighting styles people can take on and study. Jobs tend to differ based on the hub or area someone lives in, while classes all have a place they believe to have originated from. While we list classes based on their origin, anyone can take it upon themselves to travel and learn all the classes!

Lopilu are also able to fight in their feral form, wielding their weapons via magic and sometimes their tails.

Magical Manes

As written above, a Lopilu's mane is their biggest source of pride, and also power. Inherently, Lopilu are magical beings, and their magic is stored in their tails. As such, losing a tail is not only shameful, but also a big loss in strength. Losing a whole tail is often a death sentence over time, and losing bits of it can wear a Lopilu down considerably. Similar to a cat losing it's whiskers, they find themselves disoriented and weak due to their passive and natural reliance on magic. This fact is often used by their enemies. Also thanks to their magic, Lopilu that reach adulthood will age without it being visible, as long as their magic level is high enough to sustain youth. Most Lopilu fear growing old on the outside, a kind of vanity not unknown to other races as well. This, too, is used against them. That being said, it is very possible for one to learn to live with less of a tail. Although something that most would consider to rather die from, they can learn to use their other senses more effectively. Their manes will also grow back with time, but it does take long to do so.

Build & Enhancements

Lopilu cover a great spectrum of height they can grow to, with females being more limited. Most females are rather small, only growing from 1,45m to about 1,60m, with rare exceptions going above. Males typically range from 1,50m to 2,00m although the tall individuals are rather uncommon as well. Only enhanced Lopilu, those affected by Stydian technology and treatments, will grow past these boundaries of up to 2,50m. An enhanced Lopilu is can be spotted by their cut tails, as well as non-white sclera (aside from their unnatural size). Due to either forsaking their kind and allying with Stydians, or ending up there as test subjects, they are an exceedingly rare sight.

Choosing a hub

Unsure where your Lopilu may fit? Simply pick the color scheme/idea that you think is closest to yours from this list of hubs!
You can click on the name of a hub to get a description of it c:

Lopilu Hubs


A common Lopilu has the following features:

  • Split, bunny like ears
    • can vary in size/length
    • must have the standard shape without traits
    • can droop down low but must keep the shape + placement at the top of the head
  • A body with
    • short fur and no extra fluff (otherwise, needs extra fluffy trait)
    • markings/fur can be any colors, but should not cover all of the body (rule of thumb: at least torso/half of the face should be skin)
    • human skin tones, greys, sometimes grey tinted with another color. Never vibrant color skin such as hot pink
  • a long mane/tail
    • can be styled in any way
    • Must be at most as long as the lopilu is tall (otherwise, needs the royal mane trait)
  • paws with 3 toes
    • optional retractable claws
    • sometimes you may see polydactylism, but PLEASE try to follow the species guide and don't do 4 toes on purpose. Lopilu have 3 toes.
  • human eyes with a white sclera
    • colored sclera determines that a lopilu has been enhanced (see trait below)



Crystopia (Lopilu Subtype)

Crystopians are bearers of light and often show off bright pastel colorations and styles. They have a weakness for pink and will wear it a lot. although other colors may occur, they tend to look softer than others. Of the three metropolises , Crystopia is the most wary of outsiders, yet tends to stay peaceful. They are high on security and low on crime, a polar opposite to nightglade, where chaos reigns for decades. However, not everything is perfect here - sometimes, it's just hidden by the veil of crystal.

Nightglade (Lopilu Subtype)

These Lopilu show the least color variance of all, Usually restricted to greys, white and black. Sometimes a different color may shine through. Their clothing tends to be dark and edgy, and so is their affinity for magic. They are generally open to outsiders, mostly in order to use their knowledge for their own good, and because these Lopilu can themselves be on the dangerous side. Nightglade is the origin of many gangs and criminal associations - some less cruel, some more. Some with questionable goals, others with big wishes to improve the city.

Prismacity (Lopilu Subtype)

Neon colors prevail here, both in the cityscape and its inhabitants. Accordingly, their weapons and styles adjusted to that. It's rarely ever truly night here, and the center of nightlife and parties. While they are more open to the outside than Crystopia, they still draw a clear line, and will prosecute criminals - if they are not careful.

Redwood (Lopilu Subtype)

Here, reds and browns blend in well, so most of them are fall into the mostly brown/reddish/orange color scheme. Their traditional clothing is rich in patterns and decorations and sometimes shows their love of the fire, bright and red. They are also quite fond of armor, if they happen to be fighters. Of course, some Redwood born Lopilu travel and adopt different clothing styles. Redwood Lopilu tend to not live in one big city, instead, they live in clans spread out through their woods. Not as open as their Meadowing neighbors, but not as closed off as their Vinegrove peers. The Redwood clans are prideful and honorable for the most part, willing to entertain and help tourists, without sharing their deeper secrets and techniques to just anyone wandering by.

Meadowing (Lopilu Subtype)

Meadowing born Lopilu range in color from all shades of green to brown, mimicking the look of a forest in spring or fall. Their clothes are self made and simple most of the time adorned with flowers or plants they found. Similar to those of the Redwood, these Lopilu live in smaller settlements spread out in the wild, and actually are fond of travelling as well. They generally have very good relationships with their red neighbours, and will often be found trading with them. Their affinity for plants is the strongest, and so is their desire to help others - a wayward traveller will almost certainly find help within a Meadowing village.

Vinegrove (Lopilu Subtype)

Vinegrove inhabitants blend well into their jungle surroundings, earthy tones with bright highlights as seen in jungle plants and flowers. Their clothes tend to be self made as well, often using animal hides or feathers to decorate them. They are masters at using what their surroundings offers them, and most made a conscious choice to stay close to and attuned to nature. These Lopilu tend to form smaller groups and may travel. They are, however, often times wary of strangers - no wonder, as they find themselves in rough environments, and are often competing with other tribes for resources. Not much is known to outsiders on their way of living, although more recently, embassadors from different tribes have ventured further into the world.

Seaport (Lopilu Subtype)

Living by the sea, they took on ocean hues, blues and sometimes greens. They love to dress accordingly, sometimes adorning their clothes with things they found in the water. Their link to water also prevails in their magic. Seaport is an important trade hub and thus frequented by many travellers, Lopilu and Stydian alike. It is the most open of the three city hubs, and its inhabitants are generally the same - with one goal: profit. For merchants, there will be no better place than to settle down in seaport. They are also the owners of the biggest fleet of ships by far, taking care of securing the nearby waters and their fishers safety.

Antiqua (Lopilu Subtype)

Earthen in tones and bearing earth magic, they began to incorporate armor and plate into their clothing. Gold, bronze and silver persists, alongside browns and creams. Antiquans are exceptionally proud of their age old city and lineage, and thus, will view anyone who insults it poorly. Their leader is a warlord of exceptional strength, whose rivalry with the head of seaport has gone on for ages. In Antiqua, festivals and fights that showcase strenght are often held in the various colliseums and arenas they built. Their ways tend to be old and traditional, so they may be more suspicious of outsiders than other Lopilu.

Heaven's Arch (Lopilu Subtype)

Half Light in spirits and colors as air and ice, half dark but sparkling like the moon and stars, they choose to forego heavy cloth in favor of airy and see-through variants. It is rumoured that they know spells to keep warm, as their way of dress heavily contradicts the cold, biting air of their chosen home high in the mountains. The inhabitants of Heaven's Arch worship the sun and the moon and have a big interest in astrology, the stars, and aviation.

MYO Slots

<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items/1" class="display-item">Fountain Bloom</a>

Fountain Bloom


Category: MYO

Uses: Lopilu MYO

A delicate bloom  collected from the Fountain of Creation. It is said to grant it's owner luck and a long life. Lopilu that emerge from the fountain will leave such a flower behind.

This item, upon usage, will grant you a Lopilu MYO slot with all common traits!


Royal Mane

Royal Mane (Extraordinary) Masterlist Examples

Category: Misc
Species: Lopilu
Granted By: Brush of Royalty

Some Lopilu are more fortunate than others in the mane and magic department. These are the very fortunate ones with tails that are longer than they are tall! This allows for silk trails longer than an arm's length as well.

Scalloped Ears

Scalloped Ears (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Ear
Species: Lopilu
Granted By: Scalloped Herb

These Lopilu are quite special with their fancy scalloped ears instead of smooth edges!

(This trait was designed by xXAuraTaurusXx!)

Frayed Ears

Frayed Ears (Uncommon) Masterlist Examples

Category: Ear
Species: Lopilu
Granted By: Frayed Herb

These Lopilu's ears look frayed and rough, like they went through a lot.



Enhanced (Extraordinary) Masterlist Examples

Category: Misc
Species: Lopilu
Granted By: TBE

Enhanced Lopilu were subject to stydian experimentation and have  thus grown more powerful. They can be spotted by their non-white sclera, and often taller built.

Curled Ears

Curled Ears (Uncommon) Masterlist Examples

Category: Ear
Species: Lopilu
Granted By: Curled Herb

These ears cutely curl into themselves!

Silk Trails

Silk Trails (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Limb
Species: Lopilu
Granted By: Silk Comb

While most Lopilu store magic only in their lucious manes, some of them also grow mane-like fur near their elbows, ankles or knees. This fur can at most be as long as an arm, unless combined with the Royal Mane trait.

(This trait was designed by Lucifer!)


Fluffy (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Floof

Season: Winter

Individuals that inhabit cold climates may grow thicker and longer fur to keep warm. This fur may grow in areas that a species usually does not grow fur in, or just heavily amplify existing fur. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

NOTE: If a species naturally has some longer tufts of fur in an area, such as near the hooves of faun or equos, the fluffy trait is not needed.


Floral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Soul Bloom

Season: Spring

Plant like growths on their bodies and a very in depth relationship with nature, these beings are quite the sight. This can range from sprouting flowers to having whole limbs made off of wood or plant matter. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. There may also be floating flowers or petals around them. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

On Fire

On Fire (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Lava Pepper
Season: Summer

Fire/Lava like flames being summoned around their body. Better be cautious around these folks! This can range from candle like flames around them to entire limbs cloaked in flame. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating wisps of fire. Smoke is not covered by this trait, only flames. These Flames may glow like real fire.
Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 

Thunderstruck (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Steel Rods
Season: Summer

Sparks/Lightning around the individual. Shocking!  It only gathers around the body / can be discharged from the body.
An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!
Smoke Cloaked

Smoke Cloaked (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: TBE
Season: Winter

Smoke, gas or mist gathering around the individual. These individuals often wear a mask that filter the potentially harmful bits of their smoke. The smoke can be cloud-like or wispy in form and may be semi-translucent.
An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

Goopy (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Gooey Candle

Season: Summer

(ex. melting) The heat caused some of the features of these individuals to melt, or to turn into a type of wax or goo. Affected features may be deformed/have a pattern. It can affect parts such as horns & the body itself. This trait is not painful to the affected.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Mechanical (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Mechanical Limb

Season: Autumn

Mechanical limbs and addons or decorations of all kinds, crafted and built by professionals for those who are more prone to science than magic. These can be made from any  type of metal, with functioning joints. They cannot be translucent. These parts may also be disconnected or partly floating thanks to technology. The features of each species must be retained.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

NOTE: You don't need this trait to create prosthetics for your character. Mechanical only refers to highly sought after and technologically advanced robotic limbs that integrate with the body in a way that there is no notable difference between it and a regular limb, think fullmetal alchemist!



Zombiefied (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Eternity
Season: Autumn

These individuals look like death incarnate. From their scarred, tinted skin to raw chunks of flesh, or with visible bones... Do you want you want your character to look like the walking dead? The individual
cannot be a full on skeleton, rather, their flesh should be affected and some limbs may be replaced with bones! Other forms of decay may present depending on where the character lives: For aquatic beings, barnacles or dead coral (muted in color) may stick to them. For those on land, critters may wander around the decayed parts.
Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).

Spectral (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Ominous Chest

Season: Autumn

Some parts of these creatures seem to be dissolving into a spectral mass. The body part must visibly turn into spectral matter/fizzle out. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating. Spectral whisps may also float around the character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Translucent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Potion of Clarity

Season: Autumn

Part of these individuals body have mysteriously turned translucent. This allows for any sort of  translucent limbs, which may have visible bones or simply appear empty. Gore/Organs are not allowed!

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Crystallized (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Cool Pepper

Season: Winter

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed crystallized features. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, or a whole limb. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It may also cause an icy / snowflake aura around the character, or floating crystals.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Plushified (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Plush Patches

Season: Winter

Parts of these beings have turned into plush. How curious. This allows for the addition of plush patches, stitches or plush limbs made of fabric to a character. It also allows for yarn in place of strands of hair!

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).


Bioluminiscent (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Glow Paint

Season: Spring

It's not quite clear how, but some individuals have developed glowing, bioluminicent body parts. This may affect horns/hooves/claws, markings or scales as well.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: This trait is not needed for species that naturally glow such as Arma Caeli. You may add glow to things that naturally glow without needing this trait.


Earthen (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: The Shatterer

Season: Spring

These creatures have body parts made out of stone, clay or earth. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating thanks to magical spells. It can also simply cause floating stones or pieces around the character. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Watery (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Ocean Flute

Season: Summer

Water magic seems to affect bits of these characters body, turning them liquid. These parts may be disconnected or partly floating ripples of water. There may also be bubbles floating around the character.

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc). 


Sparkling (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any
Granted By: Pearl Powder

Season: Spring

These individuals shine so bright that they emanate sparkles or stars that surround them like an aura. The sparkles can be any shape or color.

An Aura Trait only affects the characters surroundings, and cannot turn a limb into a different material!

NOTE: You are free to add sparkle/shine to any artwork as a stylistical feature, this only concerns a very extreme sparkle effect that would be noticable in their world, and has taken on an almsot tangible form (similar to snowflakes floating).


Fungal (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Seasonal
Species: Any

Season: Autumn

Mushrooms have formed on the body of these creatures, either turning their limb into mushroom like material or sprouting mushrooms. This can cover any type of mushroom, and you may also add a bit of wood if they are reliant on growing on such. 

Material traits turn a characters existing limbs, or part of one, into a different material. This should never affect more than 50% of the characters main body (the main body consisting of head, torso, arms and legs). Limbs should roughly keep their original shape (wings must still be recognizable as wings, tails as tails, etc).



Feral Masterlist Examples

Species: Lopilu
Granted By: None, this transformation is available for use anytime!

The feral form of a Lopilu! Any Lopilu has the ability to shift into feral form, if they choose to. They vaguely resemble rabbits in body structure, with long strong hind legs that allow them to jump very far and high, as well as quickly turn at high speeds. Their neck is fluffy with more fur than the rest of their body, often imitating their tail. Their feet are pawed with 3 toes, and may or may not have claws. Feral Lopilu can actually have sharp teeth too! Most Lopilu can influence the size of their feral form. It goes from rabbit sizes that can comfortably be ridden on. Enhanced Lopilu tend to be stuck with taller and bigger feral forms.


Ascended Masterlist Examples

Species: Lopilu

The ascended form of a Lopilu, said to be a technique lost with time. Recently, the founder of Nightglade, Janus, has made an effort to return this knowledge to the general Lopilu public through his diciples, Night and Light. Those who manage to ascend unlock the ability to enter ascended mode at will, which boosts their ability to efficiently wield magic, enhancing their combat skills. It takes a toll on the body, however, so it is not recommended to stay in this form for long periods of time.

While in ascended form, Lopilu gain some new visual features! They sprout wings from their lower back/upper butt. They can have 1-3 pairs of such wings. These wings must correspond to their ear shape: A lopilu with curled ears will also have curled wings. Additionally, the wings must have a clearly seperated base and wing area. The base is made of the same material as their outer ears (fur), and then the biggest part of the wings resembles their inner ear and has a similar, leathery feel to it. Optionally, their magic may manifest as glowing streaks/patterns around them and their ears!

-> Visual Guide to Ascension

Associated Location