If you wish to add a transformation to an existing character, please send in a design update with an image of the new form + pick it from the list of transformations under the trait tab! To access a transformation during a design update, the character must have all the listed items in their inventory.


Feral Masterlist Examples

Species: Lopilu
Granted By: None, this transformation is available for use anytime!

The feral form of a Lopilu! Any Lopilu has the ability to shift into feral form, if they choose to. They vaguely resemble rabbits in body structure, with long strong hind legs that allow them to jump very far and high, as well as quickly turn at high speeds. Their neck is fluffy with more fur than the rest of their body, often imitating their tail. Their feet are pawed with 3 toes, and may or may not have claws. Feral Lopilu can actually have sharp teeth too! Most Lopilu can influence the size of their feral form. It goes from rabbit sizes that can comfortably be ridden on. Enhanced Lopilu tend to be stuck with taller and bigger feral forms.


Feral Masterlist Examples

Species: Felis
Granted By: None, this transformation is available for use anytime!

All felis are capable of shifting into their associated cat form, but not all of them make use of it. It is considered an old art, one that has lost it's primary use in modern times: The hunt. In cat form, a felis does not retain any sort of hairstyle - all of it is replaced by fur corresponding to their subtype. 

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