Size Matters

General Lore
How tall or small are certain species? How do they compare?

Glitches and Crossbreeds

A crossbreed character with the genetics of two species will often find their height influenced by the secondary species. A character with a glitch will generally have the size of their main species.


Sometimes, science happens. A good example would be enhanced Lopilu who grow much bigger than the normal unenhanced ones. Other types of artificial alterations may also change the height of a species. And of course, outliers to the rule always exist - so please do not feel too constrained by these general numbers! 

  • TALL Only enhanced Lopilu, those affected by Stydian technology and treatments, will grow past their boundaries, up to 2,50m/8' 2" plus minus some. In feral form, 2,40m/7' 10" tall is max for them.
  • MID Males typically range from 1,50m/4' 11" to 2,10m/6' 11" although the tall individuals are rather uncommon as well. The feral form mid space is large.
  • SMALL  Most females are rather small, only growing from 1,45m/4' 9" to about 1,60m/5' 3", with enhanced or exceptions going above. Ferals that are smaller than 1m/3' 3" would be small.
  • TALL Due to their mythical and alien genetics, these beings can range from normal humanely possible heights to well over 2m/6' 7", but never past 2,40m/7' 10".
  • MID/SMALL Regular Gleamstic have heights that are generally within human range.
  • TALL Rarely, they may grow taller than 2m/6' 7". But this is rather unusual unless they are a crossbreed or has had some outside influence causing it.
  • MID Regular they have heights that are generally within human range.
  • SMALL Some are tinier than 1,50m/4' 11" and would be considered small.
  • TALL Equos Infernalis especially can be up to 3,40m/11' 2" tall in their taur form (hoof to head), although this is rare! They are still easily the tallest taurs among equos. They are likely smaller in humanoid form, however, reaching numbers up until around 2,30m/7' 7" (similar to faun).
  • MID Regular Equos can still easily be 2,50m/8' 2" tall in taur form, but are still way smaller in humanoid form.
  • SMALL Deerling taur forms are the smallest! They may not even reach 2m/8' 2" and are rather delicate.
  • TALL at 2,30m/7' 7" a faun is essentially a giant. This does happen naturally though, more often than within humans - because faun tend to be slightly taller on average than them.
  • MID A human sized faun is a mid sized faun.
  • SMALL Some faun can be smaller than 1,60m/5' 3" at which they would be considered small.
Arma Caeli
  • TALL at around 3,50m/11' 6" when standing tall, the current Lord of the Arma Caeli is the tallest of their kind. Generally, a tall Arma Caeli is taller than 3m/9' 10"!
  • MID Medium sized Arma Caeli are smaller than 3m/9' 10", but taller than 2,30m/7' 7".
  • SMALL Anything below 2,30m/7' 7" is considered small. If you somehow get below 2m/6' 7", you are exceptionally tiny for an Arma caeli.

Their humanoid forms can be as tall as they wish since they shift at will, but should generally not be much bigger than the TALL listed below.

  • TALL Their dragon forms can easily be up to 7m/22' 12" tall ! As humanoids, most dragons choose a more managable size of at most around 3m/9' 10" tall. Generally, bigger dragons seem to like choosing bigger humanoid forms too.
  • MID Mid sized dragons are around 3,50m/11' 6" tall in dragon form! As humanoids, the same as the above applies.
  • SMALL Smaller dragons may be smaller than 3,50m/11' 6".
  • TALL the tallest Saurians have been recorded at around 2,80m/9' 2", although it is rumoured they were larger in the past.
  • MID Anything around the 2m/6' 7" mark is mid sized.
  • SMALL Anything smaller than 1,90m/6' 3" would be small.

As species that can temporarily shift their appearance, there are no hard guidelines, but generally, these are the limitations.

  • TALL tall demons and angelus range around the 3m/9' 10" mark, although demons are more commonly bigger.
  • MID Anything between tall and small! Still rather tall compared to humans, but not necessarily opressively so.
  • SMALL Anything smaller than 1,90m/6' 3" would be small, although this is still rather common (much more common than tall).
  • TALL Serpents can grow to above 3m/9' 10" in height (not length, they are much longer!), their torso around the height of a regular human. This is much more common in sea serpents. The three deities are an exception, as they are said to have created the world and do not count as regular serpents.
  • MID Reasonably sized snakes, from around 2,50m/8' 2" downwards following the rules as above.
  • SMALL Any serpent with a torso the size of a smaller human would also be small.
  • TALL their anthro forms can be up to 2,50m/8' 2" tall! Their humanoid forms follow tall humans, so  around 1,90m/6' 3" and above. The feral form would be tall at just about 0,5m/1' 8".
  • MID Anything between tall and small!
  • SMALL Anthro smaller than 1,90m/6' 3", humanoid smaller than 1,60m/5' 3" and feral smaller than 0,35m/1' 2"
  • TALL The tallest Nimare can reach around 2,60m/8' 6" in humanoid and are usually but not always alphas. Their fins are often longer than that in mer form.
  • MID Any fish between small and tall, usually around the 2,10m/6' 11" mark.
  • SMALL At smaller than 1,70m/5' 7", a nimare is considered a small.


Tall to short 


Arma caeli > Dragon/Demon/Angelus/Serpent > Saurian > Nimare > Lopilu > Gleamstic > Faun/Equos > Felis/Lovabun/Beastling

Feral. Anthro, inbetween (if applicable)

Dragon (Feral) > Arma caeli (Humanoid) > Equos (Taur) > Demon/Angelus/Serpent (Humanoid) > Saurian (Humanoid) > Nimare (Humanoid) > Beastling (Anthro) > Gleamstic/Lopilu (Feral)  > Faun > Felis (Feral) / Lovabun