Love and Marriage

General Lore
How do species deal with love?

What are some wider known proposal customs in RA species? Where would they be so ridiculous some other species (even hoomans) would just by accident get engaged? How do they court/show their partner they are special?

  • Lopilu want to braid their tail to their significant other's tail when they marry or get engaged, or sometimes just to show their bond.
  • Some take it very far and will stay with their tails connected for days...
  • Gleamstic are pretty much modern settings so very like us. Chocolate, flowers, rings, gifts. Romantic dates. The usual!
  • Lovabuns are very regional.
  • A sun bun would definitely propose with smth sun related to show the other is as important as the sun to them which is a big deal there but nowhere else.
  • Likewise, a moon bun likes to propose with a moon related item.
  • Bloomborn customs mean growing flowers and presenting those self-grown flowers.
  • Dustborn have no time for this and are more direct!
  • Tideborn are more hierarchical and political partnerships are more common here, at least for the more important families.
  • Sanctarians are as varied in their views and customs as their origins!
  • Terra are simple and a kind gesture or word or kiss is enough.
  • Aeria may expect luscious gifts,
  • Aqua are fond of pearls and shells.
  • Ignis would want to dance through the fire with their s/o.
  • Infernalis are too busy (and confused)
  • For faun, if someone gifted you a seasons bouqet without you expecting a child, it can be interpreted as wanting to bear their child, or making them bear yours.
  • Dragons like to gift each other pieces of their hoard, but if its a human who does it they may be aware that it might not be that serious.
  • Serpents in love will coil up with one another even when it's not strictly for warmth. 
  • They will want to leave their scent on their partner.
  • Beastling are pretty quick to move in with their partner, sharing a burrow/home.
  • They like presenting their love interest with acorns/nuts or bugs/blood depending on the subtype, as these can be difficult to find.
Arma Caeli
  • Arma Caeli express interest directly, and will request showing the other their worth - this will 95% of time end up with battle.
  • If the other Arma Caeli is impressed, they may agree to a partnership.
  • A traditional alpha will often try to court others by showing of their physical or financial prowess, although not all Nimare are actually impressed by such a thing.
  • A traditional omega will play up their beauty.
  • Beta or less traditional Nimare will pretty much go by their gut, make small gifts, talk to them a lot.
  • Generally, they can sort of smell attraction - so they do not necessarily need words.
  • Most demons like power, if one can prove their power and influence over others, it is often considered a good match.
  • Some demons choose to adapt human ways of courtship instead, usually these will be less invested in underworld goings.
  • Traditionally, most angelus find partners of their rank. Sometimes a match with a lower rank may be acceptable due to exceptional talents.
  • It is less common to be together for love, but it can happen - just generally not as public, and more commonly within lower ranks.
  • Lavish clothing should be presented to a partner as a marriage proposal, and they must accept and wear it to move further.
  • Saurians are simple - they are with who they like, although this may change more frequently than for other species.
  • They are also more likely to engage in polyamory.
  • Presenting a hunt achievement or providing food can all be viewed as endearing