Useless Hub Knowledge
Beastling Lore
Random thoughts about the hubs and their inhabitants.
hubs, sorted by population/size
- Crystopia
- Prismacity
- Nightglade
- Seaport
- Antiqua
- Heaven's Arch
- Meadowing
- Redwood
- Vinegrove
Negative views on the hubs
As told by the other hubs. Note that obviously not everyone holds these views, but when it comes to rivalry or fights, these are points often brought up. Also note that these do not reflect the truth and are quite narrow minded.
- Crystopia: Snobby, fragile, soft, weak, pampered elite assholes.
- Nightglade: Criminals, all of them. Unable to hold a normal job. Leech to society. Misuse of magic.
- Prismacity: Party animals, alcoholics, loud and annoying. City people with no view on the real world.
- Redwood: Spiritual esoterical crazy people.
- Meadowing: Country bumpkins, no sense of fashion, simple and stupid, technologically behind.
- Vinegrove: Wild people, feral idiots, aggressive and unreasonable.
- Seaport: Money hungry, fish people, two-faced.
- Antiqua: Success by dumb luck, savages thinking they are cultured, stuck in the past.
- Heaven's Arch: Isolationists, elite up in their high tower, think they are better than everyone, also spiritual esoterical crazy people.
Positive views on the hubs
As told by the other hubs. Note that obviously not everyone holds these views, but when it comes to rivalry or fights, these are points often brought up. Also note that these do not reflect the truth and are quite narrow minded.
- Crystopia: Leading in technology and healing, civilised and peaceful, safest place to be
- Nightglade: Stick to their people and friends, loyal, great fighters, many connections
- Prismacity: fashion trend setters and trend setters in general, proud and colorful, throw the best parties (seriously)
- Redwood: Kind souls, warm folks if you meet them, open to assist and help, very balanced mind and body
- Meadowing: Leading in aggriculture and woodcraft, kind people, great area to relax from the city
- Vinegrove: Back to the roots, upholding old traditions, protection of the forests and jungles, one with nature
- Seaport: Leading seafarers and traders, assist other hubs commonly, leading water magics
- Antiqua: Center of culture and arts (painting, writing, music)
- Heaven's Arch: First to achieve flight and create flying vehicles, faithful, best personal guards