Welcome to my Realm Away account! My main character here is my human Divorarel and the characters here will revolce around her.


Divorarel is my original pathfinder oc, who is a hidden priest/cleric of an evil goddess Urgathoa, whose domain is Gluttony, Diease and Undead, and my account and characters will be revolved around those themes.


Take this as a trigger warning for exposed bones/flesh and themes of gluttony/eating in excess/doing things in excess/suggestive themes. All my art will still have trigger warnings.

421 Coin
228 Magic
0 Plant Essence
0 Aqua Essence
2 Light Essence
0 Wind Essence
0 Earth Essence
0 Flame Essence
2 Dark Essence
0 Spark Essence
0 Venom Essence
Selected Character


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