[Closed] Lopilu: Cozy Autumn Colors

Posted 3 months 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 months 2 weeks ago by Cylunny
Flatsale: CYL-BST-0460[Closed]
Design: Cylunny ・ Art: Cylunny
Price: $20

Bee Antiqua

Flatsale: CYL-BST-0461[Closed]
Design: Cylunny ・ Art: Cylunny
Price: $20

Sunhats and Pouts

Flatsale: CYL-BST-0462[Closed]
Design: Cylunny ・ Art: Cylunny
Price: $20

Sus Side-eye

Flatsale: CYL-BST-0463[Closed]
Design: Cylunny ・ Art: Cylunny
Price: $20

Buff and Tough

Flatsale: CYL-BST-0464[Closed]
Design: Cylunny ・ Art: Cylunny
Price: $20

Jungle Sprite

Flatsale: CYL-BST-0465[Closed]
Design: Cylunny ・ Art: Cylunny
Price: $20

Denim Groove

I had to practice mini Lopilu due to the upcoming changes...I think they work?? 
Originally planned to be 15 bucks but then I spent more and more time on them, sorry orz

These will be changed to the "mini" form once RA v3 comes around, but that won't make any difference on how you can use them - just naming formalities cx



First come first serve, one per person (after 24h, free for all cx)

All sales on here fall under the Design TOS!
Payment is handled via Paypal. 


Meduzia Avatar
May I get Jungle Sprite, please?

2024-11-16 18:23:32

Cylunny Avatar
Cylunny Staff Member
AAH meddy!! ofc! please send payment to cydraws@gmail.com and let me know when you did, then i will transfer the lil one asap!

2024-11-16 18:27:02

Meduzia Avatar
Sent!! Let me know if everything looks okay!

2024-11-16 18:34:15

Siph0nn Avatar
Can I get bee antiqua please?

2024-11-16 18:20:49

Cylunny Avatar
Cylunny Staff Member
Yes you can, tyvm ,, cx please send payment to cydraws@gmail.com and let me know when you did, then i will transfer the lil one asap!

2024-11-16 18:26:49

Siph0nn Avatar
Payment has been sent! <3

2024-11-16 18:58:36

Winterne Avatar
Winterne Staff Member
Could I get Sunhats and Pouts, please?

2024-11-16 18:19:18

Cylunny Avatar
Cylunny Staff Member
Of course ;A; please send payment to cydraws@gmail.com and let me know when you did, then i will transfer the lil one asap!

2024-11-16 18:26:28

Winterne Avatar
Winterne Staff Member
Payment should be sent!

2024-11-16 18:37:28

DeadBF Avatar
Buff and Tough please!

2024-11-16 18:18:04

Cylunny Avatar
Cylunny Staff Member
hjhsdh thank you! please send payment to cydraws@gmail.com and let me know when you did, then i will transfer the lil one asap!

2024-11-16 18:26:17

DeadBF Avatar

2024-11-16 18:31:49

osteoh Avatar
sus side eye please!

2024-11-16 18:17:29

Cylunny Avatar
Cylunny Staff Member
Gotcha! cx please send payment to cydraws@gmail.com and let me know when you did, then i will transfer the lil one asap!

2024-11-16 18:25:54

osteoh Avatar


2024-11-16 19:02:54

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