Prompts can be completed by creating drawn or written artwork and will reward you for handing them in. Some prompts are permanent while others are event or plot based.
To Velarune, the land of Dreams

To Velarune, the land of Dreams

Category: MYO Prompts
Species: Equos

How did your character feel when discovering this realm for the first time?


Velraune is often referrred to as the realm of Dreams - but, more recently, also Nightmares. The Equos live in and by their four elements: Aeria in the skies, Aqua in the waters, Ignis in the desert and Terra in the forests. Only the Infernalis, a new phenomenom, find refuge in the Nether - a dark area that appeared out of nowhere...

Whether or not you have been around when these lands were first discovered, at some point, one of your characters may have stumbled into them! By birth or by travel, they are sure to have seen something that left a lasting impression on them. For this prompt, show us your characters first or most memorable moment here! It can be an interaction they had, or a certain landscape that took their breath away - perhaps even local food or displays of magic. Let your creativity flow~

Note: You can complete this prompt with any species!

Where to post: Post your artwork to the Prompt gallery or another image host (like or google drive). Then, submit this prompt with a link to your work & fill in the reward calculator!
Prompt Limits: Once per User 


These rewards will be awarded to the user submitting this prompt.
Reward Amount
Knight of Light (Recipe) 1
Knight of Dark (Recipe) 1
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