It's Sun VS Moon

Duration:  July 1st - August 1st, Realm: Loova (but can be completed by any character!)

Solana of the Sunborn has found herself in a pinch...she has been tasked to finally deal with the troublesome Red Moon group. The Red Moon is a small but growing faction that is unhappy with the state of the current affairs between the Sunborn and Moonborn, believing the treaty to be injust. They are said to be violent and unreasonable, but claim they only want justice. All that Solana wants is to keep all citizens safe. Both sides are now looking towards adventurers outside of Loova for help. Whose side will you be on?

This is a team event! That means you will work together to gather apples and help out the group you have chosen to support. All apples you earn via prompt submissions automatically go towards the group you pick below, and will help them train more artefact companions. It also plays into the artfight month by making all your artfight attacks on Realms Away characters relevant to this event!

> Event Page & Team Selection <

In order to earn apples for your team, you can complete three event prompts! One of which is just a "submit your RA artfight attacks" prompt. The winning team will decide the theme of the next upcoming raffle Lovabun...

Unlock the Alter transformation & new companions

The time to bond with your companions has finally come. For this, two new permanent prompts have been introduced! 

Additionally, a new companion hops across your way...For the duration of this event, you can purchase it for apples from Freaque Antique (but later, it will be available for coin like the others!).


Unveil a new Lovabun trait

We have been teasing it for a long time, but now you can finally also create your own horned Lovabuns! For the duration of this event only, Joyous Toys will sell you the Mythical Bunny Mask for apples!



Show which side you are on

As always, two new awards wait to be claimed for event prompts! You can also do both regardless of what team you picked.

Monthly Prompt

Monthly Prompt
Earn your easy extra  80Coin !


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