Ochre Ref Sheet
Alright so this took longer than I thought it would take but I've finally cleaned up the reference sheet I made for the design submission. There's additional lore and things that aren't here but I'll elaborate on later but for now I think this works well for what I want it to do. I added a back design to elaborate more on Ochre's ponytail/braid/ponytail situation and to properly show where her tail is. Some of the info does elaborate further on things than what's specifically needed for Realms Away, but I feel like it's nessasary to friends and people outside of the game who might be curious or interested. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the design and I think I did it justice.
Submitted By FeelingKoi
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Submitted: 11 months 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months 2 weeks ago