We'll all get sick

In Prompts ・ By TibyakAya
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- I'm so sorry...

   Blue said in tears while the serpents and Nimares tied her down. They stand in a circle around the chaos maker that blew up the frozen lake surface. The effect of that explosion broke down the whole ice surface and made the serpents fall into water. It's not dangerous since all of them can swim easily, but it is very cold. To the Nimare, who live mainly underwater, it's not a thing, but not all serpents were ready to be soaked wet and enter a very much colder environment. And the fish people were not cold, but almost all of them were injured, slightly or heavily, because of the explosion's effect. That situation could be skillful, although nobody dies, but that's an extreme case. Now that they'd all found a way to return to the ground, they started looking for that human who messed things up. Blue fell into the water and was immediately frozen. Her muscles cannot move, even though she tries. Her head was too heavy, and she couldn't breathe while sinking into the water. Luckily, a Nimare found the little girl. Clueless, he still decides to bring her up to the surface, and the others catch her. They put her next to a large fire to prevent her from dying. But how's Collett and Lana?

   They were luckier and faster than Blue, all thanks to Collett's quick reaction. She lifted Lana up and ran away from the crowd. They made it out of the lake before the whole surface broke down in a large sound. But even so, the girls still got splashed by a wave of deadly cold water when a big serpent fell. Lana, already in a state of sickness, fainted away in a blink. Her face was in shock; maybe she experienced terrible hypothermia. Collett tried to hold her in the middle of the chaos Blue caused and bring her somewhere warm and safe. Lana's sickness seems to be getting more serious because the cold water seeped through every layer of her thick clothes. They became heavy and kept the cold inside. But she can't remove them, or the cold breeze will also freeze Lana. Having no idea what she should do next, Collett brought Lana to a nearby cabin, where an old fisherman serpent was sitting in front of a heater. She thought she would have cried when her trembling voice asked him for a place to rest her fainted friend. Luckily, he has accepted the girls and let them sit next to him. The chaotic crowd outside started to calm down when they realized what had happened. It could be dangerous for the two, so they closed the cabin door and left Blue outside. That little brat deserves this.

   And now, when Blue is crying and begging for mercy while sneezing, she lost most of her coats and clothes when she fell into the water. And now, wet and soaked, she can barely say a thing since all the sounds coming out of her mouth were just teeth chattering. Finally, the serpents decide to light a fire next to her so she can stop trembling and they can ask some questions later.

   Inside the cabin, Collett was so worried about Lana that she could not think about how to free Blue. In this urgent situation, she even wants to blame that little girl for all the reckless things she has done. But if the serpents and humans at Neo-Maera have been in tension for a long time, they can kill her out of this. When this thought flickered through her mind, she was startled and took a peek outside. The crowd is surrounding Blue; it's so many people that she can't see her friend. Lana is still unconscious. With too many things to worry about at once and hopelessness filling her mind, Collett covered her face, wanting to cry. But the old serpent man has stopped her.

- Young girl. Instead of crying, you can go out and find a solution. I can take care of your friend.

   She looks at him and doesn't believe in her ears. Of course, she cannot leave Lana in a vulnerable state for a stranger, especially when he's from an opposing species. But Blue might be in a deadly situation; there is no place for hesitation.

- I place my trust in you.

   She answered quickly, then went outside to the crowd. They were asking something in a fierce voice, which scared Collett. She hesitated, then went around the place where they keep Blue, wondering what she should say to get everyone's attention. Her voice is not so loud, and she doesn't have any type of sound amplifier. Even when they noticed her, she still didn't know how to explain it and save Blue while not making them feel suspicious about her. She has been seen going with Lana and Blue, so they might think she's another culprit and tie her down. What if that happens? She gets a goose bump and decides not to do anything yet. After about five minutes of going around, the shy girl still didn't know what to do. That's when a Nimare came up to her; his voice spoke so gently.

- Hey miss. I noticed you at the lake some minutes ago. I'm so sorry for your friend's actions and their results, but after all, I need to thank you humans for freeing us from the lake. Even though we're hurting a little bit, it's still better than being trapped down there until we're turning purple. Do you want to take a swim with me down there? I… I really want to invite your friend, the little blue girl, too, but it seems like the crowd won't let her go soon… And where is the last human? You came in a group of three, right? I guess?

   This fish man looks like another shy one, or he doesn't communicate often. Collett doesn't want to make this talk awkward, and she appreciates his effort to proactively start this conversation. She smiles to him brightly, then answered.

- She's sick, and I guess she'll pass away if she touches any drop of water from this lake. Umm, to be short, she's not okay at all.

   He tilted his head with his eyes wide open, and then, still with that gentle voice, he asked if Collett could go inside to ask her friend instead. She does the same as he recommended. When she opens the cabin door, Lana is awake. To answer Collett's question, she used a weak and trembling voice.

- Are you crazy? I'll surely be dead if I ever get close to that lake in the winter again. But you should agree to that. I stayed at Neo-Maera long enough to tell that if a Nimare asks you out for a swim in the lake, that means they have good intentions.

- But... but I can freeze too! And what is Nimare? Is that the fish?

   Collett answered, with her face faintly turning pale. Lana turns away and waves her hand.

- Yes, it is. Now go, go, just go. Don't let the Nimare outside wait for too long, and tell him I'm dying.

   Collett wants to answer, but Lana has already covered her ears, meaning she doesn't want to continue the talk. She had no choice but to turn back to the Nimare man, preparing herself to face the blistering cold. He is holding a suit made out of scales.

- You should wear this. You can't swim with that much dress and fabric.

   He gave the suit to her, and Collett tries to keep her smiling when taking it. She went behind the cabin to change her clothes. Only removing the coats made her teeth chatter, and she started to wonder how she could endure the extreme temperature down there. She thought of one thing: exercise to get herself adapted to the cold. Trying not to scream when facing the freezing winds, Collett moves her arms and legs, hoping her body will get used to this soon.

   Five minutes later, she walks out to meet the Nimare man. He's still standing there, waiting patiently. Her face was still pale, but she stopped trembling uncontrollably. When they come across the crowd with Blue at the center, Collett asks the fish man.

- Hey, when we have done this quick swim, can you um… tell your friends and the serpents to free Blue? I think she's not making the chaos in purpose.

   He looks at the crowd, then thinking for a while before answering that he could do that. They walk together to the large hole that Blue created before. Staring at the dark and endless-looking color of the lake, Collett starts to regret this choice. But once she has agreed to it, she'll follow it till the end. Taking a deep breath to brace herself, she looks down the hole and said.

- Let's go.

   Before taking a big leap and jumping down the water.

We'll all get sick
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By TibyakAya

This is a series!

Previous part here: https://realms-away.online/gallery/view/350

Next part here: https://realms-away.online/gallery/view/360

Submitted By TibyakAya for An Icy BathView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year 2 months ago

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