Free the feesh!

In Prompts ・ By TibyakAya
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- About this, you're the best at it, Blue! You live in Levitheas, no? You were at the lowest temperature ever! You should try it!

   Collett pushes Blue from behind when Lana just stands nearby, watching them. The two girls have decided to go on a trip to Neo-Maera to visit Lana because she has caught a cold after a rough trip when she got into this realm. She was submerged in the water for too long in the winter; what torture! She has been sick for a week and has just recently been able to stand up and walk outside. It's pretty much a threat to her health to go out this early in this weather, but Lana can't feel herself if she doesn't hang out with her friends, who came through all the realms to visit her. The bond between these girls was unbreakable, and Lana knew that their presence would bring her the strength and joy she desperately needed. With cautious steps, Lana ventured outside, bundled up in layers of warm clothing, ready to embrace the love and laughter that awaited her.

   They decided to come visit a beautiful lake by the summer, and for now, the girls expect it to become frozen so they can do some ice skating. Collett brings the needed shoes. The girls talk in excitement. In their old world, it's so polluted that iced lakes are becoming more rare, or the ice was too thin to be safe. They didn't have this kind of fun activity for years; some even have nostalgic feelings. But when they came to the spot, some couldn't say the girls liked what they saw.

- Do not enter, petty humans!

   A giant serpent was blocking their way to the lake, looking down on them with scornful eyes. Behind him, there are some more serpents and a weird-looking new species. They seem serious, talking about something with tools and other ice-breaking equipment in their hands. Are these creatures planning to ruin their ice skating experience?

- Unless you have an obligation, turn back right now.

   Blue looks at Collett. That's the most skilled girl in communication; she'll help them talk with this serpent. Collett doesn't let her friend remind her for the second time; she bows and asks:

- Excuse me, Mr. Serpent, can we know what is happening to the lake?

   The giant looks at them for a few seconds before continuing in a low-pitched voice.

- If the work isn't in need of new helpers, I have never let humans come any closer. The lake is frozen, and its residents, the Nimare, are now struggling to live. They need someone to help break the thick ice and release those who have been trapped under the water. If you come to help, that's the only reason I would let you all venture further.

   Collett looks at the other girls. Blue nods right away; she's the kind one who will help anyone if they ever ask. She's always energetic and full of fuel to stay happy all day. Next to her was Lana, grumpy-looking as usual, who surrounded herself with lots of thick clothes. She answered with a pissed-off voice, mixed with hard-to-listen noises from her sick nose.

- Why do we have to? We don't know them, and they didn't promise anything in return. And we can't even have ice skating here when the surface is full of cracks and people are trying to break the ice. Do you want to swim in that freezing water? I'm definitely not.

   Collett looks like she's stunned, with a default smile on her face. Then she sneaked a glance at the giant serpent next to them. Does he attack after hearing those cruel words? The creatures are named Nimare, are they? They're freezing underwater with no oxygen, dim light, and a very low temperature! Only thinking about it gave Collett goosebumps. Why doesn't the girl help them? Being kind costs nothing! So she just tells Lana to be a spectator if she's tired from the sickness, and Collett will help the underwater residents with Blue! She tells the guardian serpent her intentions, and he lets them get up on the lake.

   Blue tried trampling onto the ice to test it. It's a meaningless action, because if it were that easy, people should have done that earlier. In fact, the force she created made the girl trip and fall. The ice surface is so hard and full of crumbling pieces, which gave her some scratches. She struggles to stand up with Collett's help. Lana looks around. Most people here are the Serpents; there's just a small number of fish residents staying out of the water. They look rather confused or worried for their dear ones stuck under the freezing lake. The serpents don't have legs to step on the ice, so they bring lots of tools to try cracking through the surface. It seemed like this ice incident had just happened this morning. There's only a few people gathered, without any professional icebreakers or suitable tools. Collett asked the guardian, Serpent, and he said the needed tool would take a minimum of 4 hours to arrive because of the thick snow and harsh weather conditions. She asked how long the Nimare stayed like this; he said it's about six to eight hours; the lake might start freezing last night. Plus, with 4 hours to wait for ice breakers, they'll be staying under there for 12 hours! A cold breeze blows by, Collett trembles, and her teeth start chattering while she imagines what the Nimare has been enduring for the whole time. They need something to break down the ice quickly!

   Suddenly, a faint trail of pink floats passed her, right under her feet. A sudden bright piece in the dark color of this lake grabs her attention, but Collett was too slow to react in time. When she startled and looked down, that piece of pink had gone.

- Did you see that?

   She asked Blue. The little girl nodded, her eyes glued to the lake surface. And so suddenly, once again, a blurry face appears out of the darkness, seeming to aim at the girls' place. It's so pale with distorted facial features because the thick ice has changed the true image, but that was enough to make Blue scream out of fear. Already panicking, Collett screamed too, leaving Lana with a grumpy face. She doesn't want to admit the fact that she knows these noisy people. The Serpents and Nimare look at them with bothered eyes, then return to their business. That feature underwater seems confused by their screams too, as it returns to the darkness. The three girls exchange glances. Lana sighed.

- That's a Nimare, you dumbass. They're stuck down there, and maybe they're here to ask for help.

- Oh no! I don't mean that.

   Blue looks to her feet, trying to find an excuse, but she only stays silent. Lana sighed again with a sign of giving up.

- I told you all not to intervene. What can we do? There are already some serpents here to help. In case they can't solve it, the ice-breaker tool will arrive later and do so. Then what are we doing here?

   Blue looks at Lana, then Collett, then the sky. Suddenly, a smile brightens her face when she puts her hand into her pocket, searching for something.

- Hey, Collett, Lana, I have an idea. Can you guys go around and tell people to stay out of this zone? About 20 meters sounds safe.

- What are you up to?

   Lana asked, but Blue only winked. She wants to inquire for more, but Collett has already left and gone, convincing the serpents and Nimare nearby to stay a bit further. They questioned her, but she didn't know the answer and made up some random things about secret magic. Lana didn't even move; she only looked further at the horizon. When people were far enough away, Blue told her friends to stay away too. Collett starts to lose her patience and asks what her plan is. Blue waves her hand, telling her friend to stay away, and she answers quickly.

- You will see it.

   Waiting for Lana and Collett to get to a safe place, she took out three magic grenades, pulled the pins, and threw them to the floor. The guardian serpent takes one step ahead, wanting to say something, but Blue has already fled from the explosive zone at an impressive speed.

- Hey! There are Nimares underwate-…

   Before he can finish his line, a loud sound has already scared people around to the point of making their ears deaf. Following it were noises of ice cracking and falling down to the water below. A large hole has been created, and water has splashed everywhere. Lana, Collett, and Blue took it all by standing in the front row. It looks like one might get even more sick, and the other two will start to get sick at this point. They heard the Nimare's scream, especially those who stayed near the surface, hoping they could come out. They can be injured or worse, and it all comes thanks to a little human girl.

- Fuck you, Blue!

   Lana curses, then sneezes.

Free the feesh!
1 ・ 1
In Prompts ・ By TibyakAya
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Submitted By TibyakAya for Free the FeeshView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year 2 months ago

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2024-01-07 16:36:45

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