Open until 27 March 2024, 00:00:00 UTC
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What kind of general/always available prompts would you like to see?

Fill in this form to earn a one-time reward of 10 Coin while helping us gather ideas for more prompts! Simply leave your prompt ideas here. You can submit ideas once per user for the reward!

We have some ideas from the previous feedback forms that are currently having to wait due to limited time caused by species releases, such as alter/reflection/companion related prompts + prompts that relate to specific figures/species and will grant you a bonus when you draw said species alongside a character (or some such) - but we also want to add some more nice, easy casual prompts!


What kind of prompts would you like to see in future?
Total answers: 18
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i love prompts that are art exercises! things like expression practice, or limited palettes, or background-focused, or different ages. i love when i get to play with my character AND get rewards for experimenting and expanding my artistic horizons.
- Pets - Fashion run way (can be broken down into a series of quests ex: street fashion/sleepwear) - general themed ones, ex: Something blue | Show the emotion of anger ect - Basic ones like: limited palettes(can only use 3 colors), style challenge(such as cartoony or manga panel)
Lore building (i.e. Prompts exploring the realms or how your character would react to something major changing in a realm.
Maybe weekly prompts? I know week isn't much but it could be like Sketch of the Week or something like that! And there's a theme or character given each week with some little bonus rewards, so no one's missing out if they don't do it, but it's also a little rewards. Exploration Prompts - maybe monthly (or once in two months? or just once in general?) prompts that have something to do with exploring the Realms setting. I want to say some species-related general prompts but I'm not really sure how that would work at all.
A prompt in regards to what your character does for their job/profession! I always love those kinds of prompts :D
I enjoy lore prompts and exploring the world. Also those that require interacting between characters. It helps me discover a character's personality when imagining how they act around someone else.
A prompt where you can treat your character like a fashion doll and create different outfits, maybe prompts that encourage using mediums beyond digital (like markers and colored pencils in one piece to get people experimenting), maybe a prompt of your character doing a dynamic pose or something a little more challenging, too.
Slice of Life prompts (What's your character's profession / are they Good at it? What does your character eat in a day? What does your character's bedroom look like? ) or ( Trip to the store / A relaxing walk / etc) or personal prompts ( What's your most important trinket / Favourite Memory / Worst date? etc) I really just want more excuses to flesh out my characters
Prompts that explore a character more! - Dressed to Impress (showing off alt outfits) - favorite way to spend time/hobbies/occupation - favorite food/drink - Blast from the Past (what did your character look like as a kid, were they a handful?)
I would love to see some NPC/Character prompts that granted some sort of keepsake/trinket/etc. (kinda like how succubuns have it!) Maybe even some kind of questline prompts/ unlock prompts? Like a series of prompts that you have to complete in a specific order and you get some kinda reward at the end would be cool!
- alternate outfit type prompts (e.g.: what would your character wear for formal events? to sleep? to work? etc) - career/hobby-related - what does your character do best? or is your character stuck doing something they absolutely hate, for whatever reason? - character collections - if your character collects/hoards anything - character dreams/desires - what do they most want out of the Reflection? How possible is this? (mostly referring to characters that got warped into the arpg world from outside, but could apply to everyone in general I guess) - character birthday stuff - if they celebrate at all, if they acknowledge the date, what it means to them, etc - hypothetical species swap - outfit swap (would require multiple characters but hey, arpg's *are* about that sweet character interaction haha) - birds
Outfit prompts where you can draw your character wearing a specific outfit to fit the prompt
a prompt including pets would be cute!!
Art prompts and maybe also writing prompts? I get this is an ARPG site so if writing isn't a thing you wanna delve into that's fine but ya know :> Also would love prompts of drawing OC's together :D
Water related ones - swimming/ fishing.
Slice of life style prompts. Easy stuff to just draw. -Draw your characters on their day of Draw them at work Draw their hobbies All of these can be written as well of course Another option would be prompts that explore region’s flora/fauna or local climate. More information regarding where our characters live could be cool.
I'm so curious about the Reflection Rush thing so Imma say, more prompts of that type? 👀 And I want to give an use to my zoo of companions too, so lookin' forward to see new companion prompts!
I like prompts that showcases one's relation to nature - or their relationship with each other!

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