Open until 1 January 2025, 00:00:00 UTC
This form is not anonymous. monthly per user Not editable Public
Forms and polls are under testing. If you find any bugs or things that don't seem right, please report them on discord <3


Share your ideas with us

This form should allow you to submit a feature wish every month! What is a feature wish you ask? It can be many things!

  • A specific kind of theme/pet/item you'd like to see for already existing activities
  • New features that do not exist yet that you may know from pet sites or other ARPGs - or you came up with!
  • QoL changes (be concise and detailed with what you mean or provide possible solutions, otherwise it will be hard to consider)
  • And more!

Once you submitted your idea, other users can vote on them. The highest voted ideas will rise to the top! 

Before submitting, please note:

  • This is a place to collect ideas, but due to coding time being limited, no promises can be made for what gets done and what cannot be done.
  • Try to check other posts before submitting so we ideally don't end up with doubles. I may delete doubles should it happen.
  • This form is not anonymous, all staff can see who posts what, so keep things polite please!
  • You cannot edit your answers because we want to keep the highest voted ideas unchanged

Thank you for your help o/ Depending on how full this gets, we may have to move this to a new poll every month instead of having one for a year cx 
Likewise, if this  turns out to not be as helpful as we hope, it may be changed 

What kind of features or changes would you like to see on Realms Away in future?
Total answers: 18
View answers to see what people had to say!
More customization for character profiles via items that can be attached like backgrounds! (eg. colors of the page)
Human noses for beastling humanoid forms ! 😭🙏
In other groups I have seen an item called a “Late Pass” For prompt like events. During the holiday season I noticed how much of a struggle time was and in the future we may see sparse moments in time. A suggestion that might be worth looking into would be to add an item like this. User pays a small amount in advance to get an extra week to work on the prompt. More things to spend magic on that aren’t based in cultivation, as someone who isn’t engaged in those things I find myself with lots of magic that I don’t do. Also perhaps cultivation can be moved to a daily tab as if its not there I and others forget its there. Navigating to companions is very out of the way, if we could have a companion’s tab where we see our eggs is highly valuable. I didn’t even know I had another egg because it wasn’t listed with my active companions and tucked away in another tab. Further: I wanna say thank you for all your work, I just had been compiling my thoughts.
• More festivals and events that help learn about a species' culture. • An automatic donation service, something like the AW0001 did. Our donation shop often stays empty right now, so how about a weekly mod adding little things like a trait or a gift box wrapping a few coins, magic, or event currency? • I'm not really sure about this; just a small recommendation to lower the magic price of seasonal traits and then never re-run them again. This will make the trait number grow and avoid motivationlessness in people who have already obtained the trait. Or, shortened, magic is so hella hard to find T_T. • I already see Cyl's comics on the page. How about adding a feature that lets other users upload their own RA comics? A series system for short writings is also what I want to see! [ADMIN NOTE: Seasonal/event trait number continously growing is not feasible as they need to work on all species. New species specific traits are definitely possible!]
I'd like to see the addition of some sort of feature similar to errands/foraging and/or cooking! Also some kinds of like collectible things could be fun? Also I hearted the suggestion for beastlings getting a human nose option in their transformation state where they're more humanoid but I wanted to say it a second time cuz I would really like it as an option.
A very small wish but I really like the dragon generator base... or some kind of base for feral dragons! Is it possible to have this available as a base? ♥
- I pondered how to drum up more community activity and thought, "hm, what if we had a character spotlight and included monthly contests of drawing that particular character to earn more coin or magic?" Obviously it's up the mod team how much someone can earn, like the cap being 300 coin/magic and there's a 'spotlight bonus' where users get 1.5x or 2x the amount of Criterion rewards. This would go for writing and drawing either way, but everyone may need to adhere to that character's preferences of gift art/writing as well. It'd be fun to do to get to know everyone's characters and draw them, and you could make it a community vote as to who wins for either criteria (one for art, one for literature) but no one can win both at the same time. I dunno, fun thoughts :) - I would LOVE for more stuff to be done with factions, whether there are some implements that users can do to create prompts for their chosen faction, sort of like guild events in MMOs, etc. It'd be fun to see some factions interact with each other or collaborate, maybe even create rivalries with each other. Something that'd make the world building feel alive and kicking. Users already do it, so why not further incentivize people with some extra coin to complete faction events as well? - I'd also love to see some raffles where you can enter for free but for additional tickets, you draw that character or write for them as well. I mean everyone also has a right to pull their submissions if they don't win but it would be amazing to fall in love with a design, win it in the raffle, and then receive a bunch of art for them. It makes that character feel special and more alive with what the owner could then pick and choose for canon and the like.
- would absolutely die for a permanent repeatable prompt that yields smol magic amounts (and doesn't require a new character uploaded each time :'D) - would be really cool to see the newbie shop updated with more species as more come along - the selection rn is awesome already, but as species volume increases it would be nice to see some more inclusions <3
I'd love to see more dryad/flower/nature-related species... Im so weak for anything flower related especially so to have flower fairies or even flower elves or the like would be AMAZING
So, it's fine if not!! Cause I figure having so many species in one group can make approval hard? So, keep in mind cause having so many species is fun for me. Keeps brain bees entertained so even without the suggestion all will be well! I was wondering, for faun characters could they eventually have different ears besides elven? Like drooping goat ears or deer like. It looks like a lot of the races have elven ears and I think it would be neat for fauns to have some options.
I think it might be cool if were was something related to character's alter form? Like, specific prompts that help characters to master their alter form/bound with their familiar? Which in result grant a permanent bonus to alter form depiction or special reflection realm-themed trait/companions. I think that alter form is such a cool addition to the lore and they are interesting to design, but I don't see places where users can use it outside of lore in their heads, which is sad a little bit. --- I saw in Pouflons artrpg a title/medal system where you can complete a prompt which give your character a calling. A calling give a permanent currency bonus for including character with it in calling-related prompts. This bonus is small and you can earn it only by completing title prompts for higher ranks (I think it was three prompts or something?). And I was thinking - maybe this system can be added to RA? But instead of professions (RA is already have this) character can earn a realm reputation which add bonus to drawing a character within a specific realm? And lore-wise this reputation can be earned earned by working with NPCs like lopilu's fraction founders, or arma caeli leaders, or gods or something. I know this idea need very through balance check but I find this idea quite engaging for the future (like, users can do this prompts in time when no events happening or something). [ADMIN NOTE: Alters are from the previous version of RA so we felt they had to be included from the start. To properly set them up, there will definitely be prompts and whole events related to them in some way one day!!]
I don’t think it’s really fair to grade humanoid and feral artworks on a seperate scale. Depending on the artist, one or the other may be more complicated. Plus, I think that the unequal scale could drive away primarily feral artists. I think that it would be better to just have humanoid and feral art graded on the same scale. [ADMIN NOTE: The min rewards for feral vs humanoid differ by 1 coin, and the max rewards do not differ at all. Hence, unsure what this feature would effectively change.]
that this form wasnt limited to once a month x_x sometimes i have little things that i find worth mentioning, but there's no place in the discord or on-site to mention random little thoughts or impressions, so every time i have an idea/suggestion, i have to sit there and think. is this worth me using up my ONE suggestion for the month?? which has been stressful and lead to me never putting in any suggestions at all. i feel like if this box was open full-time and there was a little filter on it (QoL, adopt themes, pet ideas, feature ideas, etc) it would be more useful. you never know how many ideas people have had separately but never submitted bc they forgot this was here or decided it wasnt worth the Single Suggestion you get once a month.
- bird people (something like dungeons and dragons aarakocra and/or tengu/kenku, or even something like the Tooth Fairy from the Rise of the Guardians movie. straight up giant talking [alien] birds could be neat too) - NPCs. I'm not sure if the shopkeepers have profiles yet but I think it'd be neat to have some kind of "canon" characters that could get freely drawn/written for prompts and the such. - even more bird companions!!!!!! rawr
Forums maybe! It'd be cool. :)
- More ways to obtain affection; like including it in the daily wheel or a chance in the Un/Lucky daily - An easier way to look through the marketplace, like instead of clicking on each shop to see what they have, just make the page with all the on-sale items under the shop/member name - Make cultivating apples more worth it; getting the rake and apple seeds costs just as much as just buying an apple minus the randomization of growing the apples. I would say either make the apple seeds cheaper or maybe you can cultivate multiple apples.
I know that this is alot to ask, but I've seen often on Toyhouse that people have fashioned proto-dollmakers from HTML and CSS alone. I have no idea how you'd do this or what sort of techno-wizardry would allow it, but having character closets would be really cool. Being able to design clothing and hairstyles and dress up your character would be super interesting. Housing could also be cool, or a section/slot type to rough out a housing layout or design could be cute. Again, unsure how much the Lorekeeper engine would allow for any of this, and It's probably not possible but I think it'd be rad.
could we have a showcase of what the site would look like for various cubes? i love getting them but would love preview before we buy them! same with the character profiles!

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