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Image #1108
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22 June 2023, 21:53:02 UTC
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Uploaded: 1 year 8 months ago
Last Edited: 2 months 1 week ago
MYO Type: regular
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Rita at a glance...
- Grew up in a poor household, and made money going out to dive for pearl oysters that she could sell to tourists for a quick buck.
- She was eventually picked up by a visiting Charmer, who gave her formal training in the class, then funded a pearl and jewelry business for Rita, which she still runs today. It's an opportunity that she's very grateful for.
- She is not, however, grateful for her mentor "protecting [her] investment" by assigning Rita a personal bodyguard: Galleon. She got so used to doing things on her own that she chafes under Galleon's mostly quiet but watchful presence, and occasionally makes a point of trying to ditch them...but as much as she fusses about them these days, they've grown on her.
- Frequently refers to Galleon by things that sound like their name, but are not their name. "Gelato" is the most common.
- Still goes pearl diving herself on occasion, even though she no longer needs to so for her business. This is the most frequent activity she tries to dotch Galleon to do.
- Has a soft spot for children, espacially the poor kids trying to sell wares on the street around Seaport. Frequently buys things from them for much more than they're worth.