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Image #1315
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30 June 2023, 07:02:59 UTC
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Uploaded: 1 year 8 months ago
Last Edited: 2 months 1 week ago
MYO Type: regular
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Cress at a glance...
- Was born and raised in Antiqua, with her mother's family, but hated it there. Ran awy from Antiqua to go find her dad in Heaven's Arch when she was eighteen. The trip was not planned particularly well.
- Has a younger half-brother, Morgenstern, who she absolutely adores.
- Thornhollow helped her get to HA when she ran away from Antiqua, and is probably the only reason she made it. She doesn't get to see him often enough (in her opinion), but he is her lifelong bestie.
- In spite of her innocent appearance, she's a bit of a firecracker with a loud mouth.
- Her mother's family had her trained as a Muse (specifically in Hymns) in the hopes it might tame her wild nature as a child. Not only did this not work, Cress occasionally has to stifle the urge to use her lyre as a melee weapon, and began loudly complaining about some of the more hardheaded warriors she was forced to work with. She will also loudly complain about certain families and traditions in Antiqua.
- Morgenstern really wants Cress to take over as the next head of their family, even though the role should go to him. She doesn't mind doing this, but...certain circumstances have gotten in the way.
- And by certain circumstances, I mean her mother's family decided to arrange a marriage for her, even though she hasn't been present in the hub for years, and has avoided contacting them for the duration of that time. Needless to say, she's a little upset.