Traits are special features that a character may have! These are uncommon to mythical in rarity and are unlocked by joining events, gathering seasonal currency, and buying the corresponding trait item. You can then submit a MYO with said trait item, or send a design update request with one if you'd like to add a trait to an existing character. Trait items can be found throughout most shops in many realms, so you may want to go window shopping...

New traits are released for each season, and for special occassions and events!


Alpha (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Tail
Species: Nimare

Piscis alphas are recognized by a big sturdy fish tail that may appear armored/plated, with no decoration or frills.

Cepha alphas can be recognized by their thick and long tentacles with no hood/bell or frilled tentacles.

Tail or tentacles should be as long as or longer than the character's height, but at most 2x the height. The length here refers to the movable base parts of the tail/tentacle, not the frill/fin part.


Omega (Rare) Masterlist Examples

Category: Tail
Species: Nimare

Piscis omegas are recognized by a short tiny or very thin fish tail with proportionlly giant fins and lots of frills, soft shapes or transparent bits. 

Cepha omegas can be seen with delicate thin tentacles that may be frilly, or have a transparent hood/bell much like a jellyfish.

Tails or tentacles should be only about half their height at most in length. The length here refers to the movable base parts of the tail/tentacle, not the frill/fin part.

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