<a href="https://realms-away.online/world/items?name=Rift Orb" class="display-item">Rift Orb</a>

Rift Orb

Category: Special MYO


An orb that came through a rift...

This item, upon usage, will grant you a Rift MYO slot! This slot can be used to create a character of any species and subtype except humans, as they are free to make either way. It will automatically be surrendered to the Rifts (Adoption Center) upon approval. It will never be on your account! In the Rifts, it can be purchased by other members for 1 rift cluster. In exchange, you will also earn 1 rift cluster to spend there. 

By submitting this MYO, you agree that this design will be sold for on site currency to another member, and may be subject to edits/redraws by staff if it should sit around for a long time.

NOTE: This item is only for use of the original receiver and cannot be transferred.


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