The Black Monastery


created by CinnabarMoth

Can be joined by characters.

Blood and Honor


Those of the Black Monastery are seen as grim and mysterious since they practise a surfeit of dark magic and are hidden away in the Ruined Woods. Be not fooled, the warriors and witches of the guild are couragous and honorable folk. Though those failing to uphold their values and committing treachery will findout how inhumane they can be.
The Black Monastery goal is to protect other Vesperus and provide a home but they will protect other Beastlings who need it if they feel as if they need to. They also seek tobring order to chaos.
Rituals and ceremonies are important to the Black Monastery, it builds loyalty and morale.

  • Honour your agreements and your debts.
  • Treat your comrades and those that need us with equity.
  • Never show cowardice in the face of your enemies or your fears.
  • Be dutiful to yours and the Monastery's cause.
  • Punish treachery against the Monastery and your comrades.
Faction Ranks


The Head Witch. A leader of rituals and ceremonies.
The Head Warrior and leader. They oversee all matters and disputes.

Member Ranks

They can freely visit or even live within the Black Monastery but hold no rank.
A student being tutored in the ethics and rules. You must prove yourself worthy and find your path.
You have proven that you are honorable and can fight for not just yourself but others.
You service the Black Monastery by being a voice and helping hand. You teach Acolytes and assist Denizens.

Members: 1 ・ See All