Order of Shadows


created by Jucchi

Can be joined by characters.



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Originating deep within the heart of Redwood, founded by a small group of Ninja, the Order of Shadows has always worked towards expanding the area of their influence. While their headquarters have remained within their hub of origin, the Circle has managed to deploy their agents far and wide, founding smaller bases of operation within a few of the known hubs such as Nightglade, Prisma City, Seaport and Antiqua. While unbeknownst to most citizens, it is currently unknown if the leaders themselves are aware of the slow spread of this order.

Their true goal remains a myster but when questioned many agents would speak of the continued survival of their kind against outside but also inside threats such as Stydians or defectors. Fewer, mostly those with roots still in Redwood, will mentioned their loyalty to the Redwood leader and emphasize only ever acting in the best interest of their homeland.

Initially the Order closely kept to its roots, only ever enlisting Ninja into their ranks. After establishing their first base in another hub, their recruitment rules loosened up in response to Ninja no longer being a common sight within foreign hubs. Their favoritism towards occupations that excel in stealth and ingenuity remained, but it is not unheard of for Lopilu of other classes to be invited into their ranks, should they prove to be capable of acting with a similar level of scecrecy as the Order requires of its agents.





Master of Shadows

The title held by the leader whose identity is unknown to most members except a few trusted individuals.

5 Shades

Five select individuals who belong to the afformentioned trusted individuals and function as the Masters representatives, only taking direct orders from them in secretive meetings or via indirect communication.


Squad leaders and spy masters tasked with executing the most dangerous missions, disposing of threats to the Order but also teaching initiates.


Less involved in the field but not less likely to be well trained in battle or the avoidance of such, those holding this rank are the backbone of the Order. Skilled craftsmen, seamstresses and blacksmiths find themselves within this rank, responsible for the fixing and upkeep of equipment but also the production and invention of various gadgets and weaponry.


The most prominent rank within the guild, this rank is held by those working in the field also referred to as Shadow Agents or Agents of the Shadows. Their job is to gather intel, scout out potential threats, obscure traces left behind by the Order or knowledge not deemed suited to the general public. Rumors say they do not even shy away from infiltrating other factions to furthen their goal...


New members often trained by more experienced inidividuals in small groups of up to for people and eventually accompanying field agents on their missions for evaluation in order to assess wether they are worthy of the rank of agent themselves.


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Faction Ranks


Master of Shadows

Member Ranks


Members: 1 ・ See All