House of Spades


created by AceConfusion

Can be joined by characters.

A lounge that will show you a good time with unknown alliances.


 The House of Spades is a bar and entertainment lounge that sorta seems to have just popped up one day. With a wide array of drinks available and plenty of things to catch you're eyes, it's easy for many to spend hours drinking away their problems. Just be careful who you ramble to, it's hard to know if any of the staff are on extra pay rolls.


The owner of the building is about as mysterious as it's sudden appearance, with nothing known about the individual. Nobody, or atleast no guests have ever encountered them or know anything about them. While the number of staff who knows them also remains a mystery. This has naturally led to a number of rumors about them and their intentions. However at this time nobody knows how many are true.


[Feel free to join if you want as Staff or otherwise, and if you want to let me know what job you wanted your character to have. Than I'll go ahead and add them to that rank. I could also add possible ranks in interested seeing as this is still getting established and sorted and all. ^^]

Faction Ranks


The unknown individual behind the popular establishment.
Those responsible for creating and serving the lounges large variety of drinks.
One of the many available forms of entertainment offered at the lounge. Just remember to keep your hands off them.
The lounge has a number of security, both permanent and temporary, who will step in if you decide to bend the rules.

Member Ranks

People who frequent the lounge. Do they keep coming back for the drinks, or is there something more to it?

Members: 3 ・ See All