The Crossroads Inn


created by Lucifer

Can be joined by characters.

no xenophobia or fighting inside


In a small clearing in one of the many dense woods spreading throughout Arkusterra stands an inn. A sandstone and wood building, barely kept together by the iron bars forced through the walls. Stones melted into each other by the power of dragon fire. Many of its beams are blackened, but still, it stands tall. Proud and defiant, a little smoke trail always fluttered out of the chimney and away into the air. Day or night, its doors are open to anyone who may come across it.

Its halls are never empty despite its remote location. Centered on a Faultline of the world's wary reflection wanderers and refugees alike would often stumble across it. The dragons inhabiting the surrounding woodlands flock to it at night. Giant creatures turn humanoid to satisfy their greed for some ‘cooked’ food and ‘human’ drinks. Readily trading in their shed scales, skins, fallen horns, baby teeth, hunted prey, rare herbs, or treasures they had come across on their forest explorations.

Its rooms and pieces of furniture are embued with magic to shape themselves to the spatial needs of the inhabitants. So that a dragon may slumber as soundly in its largest form as a human child under the roof of the Crossroads Inn.

As small as the above as vast is the below. The inn stands above a large system of winding tunnels and large caves which can be accessed through the in. The vulcanic activity below graciously provides an array of warm pools for visitors to enjoy.

Faction Ranks

Member Ranks

for anyone that works here (cooks etc) <3
the people that help keep the Inn stocked.
Guests that visit the Inn frequently

Members: 5 ・ See All